Chapter 11- Mommy's Going Home

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Owen woke up with a start, his forehead dripping in sweat as he sits up in his bed. He gripped the sheets so tight until his knuckles turned white, his green panicked eyes frantically searched the room. His windows had rays of sunshine peeking through the curtains.

He took in a long breath of air and he jumped out of bed, rushing around to get ready.

His dream replayed over and over again in his head. To him, he just experienced one of the worst dreams he could ever have. You escaped again but instead of killing the other people on the park, you went straight to Owen's house and destroyed his small bungalow, searching around for him.

Once you did find him, you stared at him with a look that had mixed feelings within them. And both of your eyes weren't even the same colour, as one screamed 'I want to kill you' while the other had one of the softest look one could muster. You had the expression of wanting to kill someone while the other just seemed... Too human to be dinosaur.

Just as Owen thought he was going to die in his dream, your body shrunk, leathery skin gone, hair grew out of your head, and your arms shortened. He stares at your body that turned to a colour of (skin tone) instead of the terrifying white one. He suddenly realised that he was staring at a woman that had the same exact eyes that the dinosaur had.

As soon as he realised you were naked, you disappeared and he woke up; scared and confused.
He shakes his head, dismissing the thought of you and went into his shower. After a few minutes, he dries himself and picks up an outfit, then hastily leaves, grabbing a banana on the way out.

He swung his leg over the motorcycle, staring at Alice who sat at the almost empty ferry station. She sat on a bench as she held onto the suitcase's handle, scratching her forearm. Owen had always wondered why she did that, jokingly thinking that she's on meth.

But he shrugged it off, thinking of it as a habit. As he walked towards her, Alice's eyes flickered up to meet his and she gave a small wave of her fingers. Owen walked over to her, feeling less tense than he had first met her as he gave a small smile.

"Have you checked on (Y/n) yet?" Owen asks. Alice looked confused, pointing a small finger at him, "I thought she was your responsibility."

Owen squinted but slightly shrugged, thinking nothing of it. "Have you booked a ticket yet?"

She hums and nods, looking out into the sea. Alice sighs quietly then looks down to her lap. Owen rubs the back of his neck. He shift his eyes around the park, multiple medics and construction worker moving around. "I... I get sick everytime I travel back and forth."

Owen looks up to see her staring at him. He quirks an eyebrow, confused to why she said that. "Due to the climate change."

He nods stiffly. It's not that he didn't trust her, it's just that she had always been a bit suspicious - to him at least - and looked like she can bust out (Y/n) whenever she felt threatened.

Just as Owen was about to open his mouth and question why she just said that, she bluntly stated, "There was an awkward silence. I tend to ramble when I'm stuck in a situation with nothing to talk about... Sorry."

Something between a smirk and a smile found its way to his face, a deep chuckle reverberating within his chest, shaking his head slightly.

"So, do I have to know anything about (Y/n)? Like what she eats, what she likes or some sort of routine that I have to follow?" Owen asks, staring at her. Her head whipped around to look at him. "Thanks for asking actually. Uh, to start off..."

Owen stares her, "She doesn't like (least favourite meat), she likes (choose fav type of meat)... A lot. If she starts breaking down trees, it means you've upset her... Hmm, what else?... Try to teach her a bit of English everytime you see her and finally, never ever mention her sister."

Owen makes a mental note, nodding every once and a while. He breathes through his nose heavily, a headache coming on when he imagines your huge golden eyes in front of him, a hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

The sound of clicking heels doesn't really help either, especially when the person wearing them is someone he sort of hate and like at the same time. A white leather jacket went into his line of vision, and his head turns to look at Claire who had a soft look. Owen puts his hands on his hips and he stares at her.

"Good morning Alice. Owen," Owen grunts at the mention of his name, his eyes wandering to the deep blue sea. "I just came here to clarify who is going to take care of her when you're gone."

Alice links her lips and straightens her back. "Owen is."

Claire turns to face Owen with a face that said 'what the hell are you doing!?'. He just took a glimpse at her before returning his gaze to the waters. "So you think that you can be trusted with her?"

"Uh... I'm pretty sure? Yes, I'm sure," he said, more of like asking to reassure himself. Even he doesn't trust himself with a killing machine so big.

"Don't you have to take care of the raptors as well?"

"Barry can look after them when I'm gone. It's not like I would spend all my time on her," Owen points out, his voice deep and reasoning. Claire sighs. An awkward pause was heard, and Owen's heart somehow sped up slightly at the mention of your name. "I trust him enough. (Y/n) is his responsibility from now on until I come back."

Claire wanted to sigh so badly but held it in. She nods. Out of nowhere, a series of footsteps were heard by the trio, and Alice turned to see Gray and Zach rushing up to them. Owen just continued to stare at the sea, a puzzled look on his face as he experiences the dream once again in his head.

"Aunt Claire!" Gray called out and went up beside her, his smile lightening up the tense mood. Zach followed closely, keeping an eye on his younger brother. Ever since the crazy thing that happened yesterday, Zach stood close to his brother, getting strangely protective around Gray. "Hey Owen!"

His head whipped to the side to look at Gray, and once his eyes settled on him, a small smile broke out onto his face. He drops his arms and folds it, shifting his position to be able to look at Claire and her nephews.

Alice gave a soft smile. "When are you guys going back home?"

"On Thursday. It's Monday today, right?" Gray says. Alice and Claire gave a hum and a nod. "Anyways, I have to get to my in three hours and I see the boat coming here now."


"Please take good care of (Y/n), alright?" Alice says, a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I will. I guess I'll see you around, huh?"

She hums, a contented smile on her face before she turns and rolls her huge suitcase behind her as she boards the boat.

Owen let out a loud sigh, fear suddenly gripping his heart. He turned around to head to his bike just after seeing Alice give a wave of her hand to Gray and Zach, who both willingly waved back.

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