Chapter 16

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Another moment passes and you break out of your trance once you hear crickets. Looking forwards, you could still see the back light of the motorcycle as it leaves a trail of smoke. With a sudden burst of energy and determination, you put your hands to the ground and pushed your large and heavy figure up. Growling as pain shoots in your head, shaking your head to relieve the blurriness from your sight. As you finally see that the world stopped spinning, you feel the ground under your feet and you roar out.

You start to the chase after the retreating figure of Owen, the sharp pain in your head coming down to a dull ache. You now remembered what had happened yesterday, and you remember feeling so guilty. You remember meeting four female raptors and you becoming their new alpha.

After you were brought to the main part of the island, you called out to the vicious raptors and brought them back to their paddocks. Then, you went back to the paddock, ignoring the huge door that was broken to pieces after your escape. Alice specifically told you to stay, and so you did, and waited for them to bring you food.

You also remembered the two boys in the hamster ball, and you cringe thinking got their terrified expressions. Although you were about to eat them, Gray was the first one of pet you during dinner without hesitation. He seemed to be a nice kid. Maybe you'll get to see him again.

Zach, on the other hand, seemed intrigued yet terrified of you, but he doesn't have the facial expression to show his emotion. Most of the time his face is stoic, but other than that, you can see that he cares for his younger brother very much. Possibly as much as you did for your sister.

Claire. There's not much to say about Claire. You do, however, remember the countless times she visits your paddock to check on you almost daily, most of the time with a scientist with her. Especially that fat security guard, who doesn't seem to do his work, which is to keep an eye on you.

Barry, he seems nice. He seems close to the raptors and he almost seems like he care for Owen and the females, and treats them as if they were family. Blue once mentioned their leaders, and how she honestly preferred Barry over her alpha, even if it was just by a little.

The velociraptors seem determined and driven. In all honesty, you liked Delta the most, reminding her of your sister as she seemed to be runt or even the raptor that not a lot of people prefer.

The sunlight peeking through the trees blinded you for a few moments, but you just kept your eyes on the road and follow the motorcycle tracks. Frankly, you feel like an idiot for not obeying Owen as he's your mate but normally you two would respect each other. A part of you wanted to obey him the whole time, probably because of your velociraptor blood and how it came natural to you.

~Back to Owen~

After about a minute of driving straight in the forest, a direction which led back to the paddock, he stopped and plants a foot on the leaf-covered ground. He stopped just at the edge of the trees and swerved around to face the inside of the forest again; hoping you weren't still following him.

A few seconds pass and there was no noticeable movement within the forest. He lets out a sigh of relief, and circles his bike to the paddock, only to find several jeeps and soldiers.

He froze, staring at the men who wore all black as they walked around and took non-lethal's. A few of them who tranqs with them. It was as if they were expecting you. And as if they didn't want you to get hurt.

The only person who spotted him walked up to him; fingers looped in his belt hoops, smirk on his face. Owen gets off the bike.

"What the hell is going on here, Hoskins?"

Vic only continues to smirk smugly at him, "Well, it seems to have gotten away, and I... Uh, InGen wants it back. Few heavily equipped guns with equally heavy tranqs, it's gonna fall right asleep."

Owen glares holes into his eyes, forehead creased with anger as he breathes heavily through his nose, fists tightly clenched. He blinks slowly, ignoring the urge to punch him in the face.

"She wouldn't hurt anyone if you don't attack her. I would know," Owen says, but says the last part quietly. His eyes snap towards Vic, who only had a slight smirk. "Ah, well, who would know? It's not like we're gonna kill he-"

A screech-like roar echoed, and Owen's heart skipped a beat, his head whipping around towards the sound.

He couldn't tell which was more terrifying, the fact that your mouth was wide open and letting out a roar, or the soldiers shooting at you. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!"

Owen tries to yell, missing Vic's command to hold Owen back. Owen feels conflict within him. Should he protect you or leave you be?

Owen ignored the guard's protests, and possibly the other side of his head's protesting, as he start to sprint in your direction. He was quick, running towards your cowering form as if he was completely drawn to you; putting his thumb and index finger to his lips and letting out a loud shrill whistle.

At the familiar sound, your head faced him immediately, letting out a soft velociraptor-like call. The guards knew you were distracted and took the opportunity.

Suddenly, multiple thick black ropes was thrown over your hard tough hide; a net was shot onto your hard white snout, cutting your call short. A long black rope was quickly tied around your ankles, restricting movement. The next moment was you landing on your front with your jaw flat on the ground, vibrations spreading across the ground.

Owen's eyes widened by a fraction. He wanted to scream and shout, but he just froze in his spot, an unfamiliar feeling washing over him. It was as if he was completey unsure and waiting for something. He was only woken out of his spell when he feels a searing pain erupt on the back of his skull.

He starts to feel liquid drip down his head and down the nape of his neck, his vision becoming blurry. He knew it was one of the guards who hit his head with the butt of his rifle.

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