Chapter 14

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A/n: So, I'm trying out this new thing where I write shorter chapters to update more frequently for you guys cuz I love all of ya! HUGGIES!

You stare at Owen but feel an unusual feeling in your gut. You shake your head slightly, growling and opening your mouth slightly, Owen's eyes wandering over to your teeth that has the capability to rip him to shreds. His hands were by his sides as he slouches over a bit, legs bent and breathing shallow.

He stares intently into your eyes, trying to find any empathy within them. A pur like sound came out of your mouth and you bent down more until you two were basically face-to-face. Owen straightened his back, having the urge to roll his shoulders but decided not to. As your peering eyes seemed intimidating and assumed that every time he moves, you would lash out and just slash him with your sharp claws.


A smile grew on Hoskins lips as he stares at the video tape of the inside of the paddock. He sees your white sleeping form, and on fast forward, it seemed like you disappeared.

This was another chance to put his soldiers to the test, unlike last night. He grimaced.

Lowery had a hesitant look as Vic reaches for his phone and starts to call in ACU. He shoots Vivian, his crush, a look. Her expression mirroring his. Vivian actually feared for you, as she remembered petting your snout, and you actually enjoying it.

Just as Lowery was about to reach his phone to call Owen, Hoskins' hand reached for his shoulder, a smirk on his face and a glare evident in his eyes.

Lowery's and Vivian's eyes widened, their colleagues seemed to be deep in their own work, not caring of the situation the two main computer whizzes were in. They both prayed for yours and Owen's safety.


You give him a blank stare, your claws twitching; tail shifting and throat growling.

Owen shook with fear as a loud growl came out, and you went close to him until he could smell the meat your ate yesterday on your teeth and the smell of plants that rubbed on you.

Sniffing his body, you realised that you, in fact, have actually smelt his scent before, confusing you but you don't remember seeing him ever in your life.

Your jaw slacked and you stretch your neck to get closer until you two were mere inches apart, your tongue slithering out. You licked his arm and torso, coming to a conclusion that you haven't tasted anything familiar to this before. While you stood there with glazed eyes and a confused mindset, Owen just kept still, wondering why the hell you just licked him.

Owen stood there, mouth gaped open and a feeling of confusion started to creep up on him.

With a blank red eyed stare, you suddenly take a step back and a deep breath and let out a screeching ferocious roar, deafening Owen for a moment. He bends down, hands covering ears and green eyes shut.

A feeling starts to overwhelm you, a feeling that tells you shouldn't roar in his face, and a feeling of cold fear. You then stop, glance over to him to see him almost in a ball, eyes shut and hands shaking.

He freezes after noticing the silence, then slowly looks up to see you stare back at him, eyes slowly fading to the colour of gold. You bend down to see eye to eye with him, and he plants his foot in the ground, then hoists himself up, now standing to his full height.

Raising his eyes to yours, a flash of red blinds Owen, now in his usual raptor stance. "(Y-Y/n)."

A roar cut him off, and a stunned Owen stares up at you. You felt like you've heard his voice before. Long silence ensues, and you look like you're waiting patiently for him to continue, but unfortunately, that patience was running thin fast. You growl, fingers twitching slightly.

Beads of sweat rolled down the side of Owen's face, heat starting to get to him. Your eyes start to shift around, eventually starting to get bored. He huffs out, straightens out and raises a shaky hand and with a commanding tone,"(Y/n), eyes on me."

Instinctively, you glanced to him, but growled. "(Y/n)," He said in a firm tone, green orbs boring into your golden ones. You came closer, the detail of your eyes now catching his attention.

Sure, he'd seen the snake-like eyes before but never up this close, especially not on a dinosaur this big. The eyes weren't that different from a snake or a raptor's. Damn. They did get the DNA from his raptors. The thought of his girls getting blood extracted from them made him wince.

The intricate irises widened and contracted, the golden rings held flecks of (e/c).

A low groan like growl leaves your mouth, the sound resembling a child in a tantrum. "Eyes on me."

His words start to echo within your head, and your eyes stayed on him, now having your undivided attention. Owen's mouth twitching upwards slightly. "(Y/n), can you... Can you understand me?"

You stayed silent, but your eyes answered for you, understanding within your golden eyes. "(Y/n), do you know who I am?"

With a quick shake of your head and a growl, he took it as a no immediately. He breathes heavily. "(Y/n), listen up. I need you to follow me home. Is that okay?"

You understood the statement, but tilted your head. Weren't you at home already?

Realisation hit you in the head, finally coming to the conclusion that you were outside, explaining why nothing seemed familiar. A few moments passed in silence, as you had a fight happening within your head, thinking whether to trust him or not.

A soft purring sound came from your mouth, but you kept it soft as if you were ashamed to follow his commands and wants. Owen had heard it and had a need to smile to see your expression, but he stayed emotionless. He bites his lip, his canine tooth showing. He nods once; his green orbs never leaving your form.

It was as if his raptor's attention and respect was also put into your DNA. Most of the time, his raptors would have lost interest in him by now from the lack of treats, but you stayed silent and attentive, not showing many signs of wanting to rip him to shreds. Like the construction worker you ate when he ran away from you. He shivered at the memory, recalling that it was only yesterday when that happened.

He was quite curious of the fact why you would have interest in him anyway. You didn't seem hungry or angry at him but since you weren't, wouldn't you have have left him alone by now? Though he didn't say many commands, you seemed to pay all your attention on him, as if he was the most interest toy to play with.
But why are you listening to me?

A feeling washed over you immediately, the same exact thought echoing within your mind. But why am I listening to you?

Your eye slits dilate, you lean back to your full height and you seeth in anger. Owen's heart stopped when he sees your golden eyes turned blood red.


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