Chapter 10- A Beast By Day, A Beauty By Night

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A/n: I'm not dead yet!!!! AND THE FIRST REQUEST(/idea) GOES TO TylerHays8 !!!!! Also, I want some I Rex moments as well since I want the story to be about a dinosaur/human but if you don't like that idea and just want a human or just a dinosaur story, let me know, I'll be happy to write a short story or a one-shot!

Your eyelids felt heavy, a yawn escapes your mouth as you wrap your fingers around your- WAIT, FINGERS? WHAT?! Your eyes snap open to see the moon glaring back at your (e/c) orbs. You glance down to see (s/t) skin with a nice pair of... Ahem. Your eyes trailed down to look to your waist, hips then legs, taking in every curve and inch of unfamiliar skin you have.

A cry was ripped from your throat as you stare at your bare body. You wanted to get out a call, but only a groan came out, irritating you. Your eyes were still as golden as they were before, still having their (e/c) flecks in the abnormal slightly large irises. The quick beating of your heart distracts you inspect each inch of skin on your arms and hands, curiosity enveloping you.

Your breath hitched as you moved your fingertips gently to your face, caressing your smooth cheek slightly. Moving your legs underneath and folding, you crawled over to the small puddle of water in front of a fern, and studied your unique facial features. A normal human could say you were attractive or rather gorgeous but in your sense, your face looked peculiar while a look of confusion adorned your features.

Slight glowing golden eyes, (skin tone) skin cover your body as (hair colour) of hair was on top of your head, cut at (short/long) length with a pair of luscious pink lips with a set of abnormal sharp teeth. Your mind went into a state of daydreams and thoughts. Most of the thought in your head were filled with curiosity and confusion. Fear wrenches your heart as you gaze into the puddle of water again, glancing down to see mud covering some of your body and most of your legs.

A sigh escapes your lips and you sit back down, alone with your thoughts. You kneel on both knees then try to put a leg in front of you. Though wobbly, you were able to set both your feet on the ground without face planting to the cold muddy ground. You tried to take a step.

Emphasise on tried.

Your knees almost buckled under you of shaking from fear only on the first step. Taking a few more steps, you slowly got accustomed to walking, only now realising that it was a lot like walking when still a dinosaur but with less leaning forwards and with more back straightening. (?)

Owen laid on his bed, trying to get over by the fact that he was a supposed soulmate, or simply just a mate since he wasn't too sure, of the dinosaur that killed several people and other dinosaurs, jeopardising the park's attendance and costs. A sigh escapes his lips as he stares out of his window with tired eyes, a hand over his forehead. He couldn't sleep since he suddenly felt something was wrong with (Y/n), a heavy feeling settling in his chest as his stomach drops. Something about your eyes always seemed to bother him.

To him, your eyes were almost human... Too human. As if you were practically aware of everything and everyone around you. He closes his eyes, but only sees your golden ones haunting him.

After about five minutes, you were able to make your way to the small door across the huge one. Sure, it took a lot of time but at least you were able to walk across without face planting twice.

You stared at the unusual grey rectangular box that had a small red light, where humans put their 'cards', which resulted in the door being able to open.

You stared at your fingers that had nails similar to your claws when before you turned. You raise your hand and swiped down on the machine as hard as you can, ripping off the front part of the machine and exposing it's torn and dysfunctional wires. A beep was heard, then red light turned green, and to your surprise, it opened up for you.

You walk out onto the gravelly road, seeing the car that you turned upside down. As you take a couple more steps forward, you pass by a car that had a hint of your mate's scent, which surprised you since when you just came out of the habitat, you found out at Owen wasn't underneath, much to your dismay.

An animalistic growl was heard at the back of your throat and you place your hand on the window, them tilted your head as you stare at your reflection. A growl-like sigh escaped your mouth. A feeling ached within the bones of your legs, and you turn to the trees, your feet controlling your body as you wander into the dark lush forest.

A/n: yes, I know. It's incredibly short but there will be faster updates this time, I promise.

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