Is "Hi" Okay?

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Joyce's ears were now ringing, but refused to let her sight disappear. She slowly lifted her head and brushed gravel off of her cheek. Her legs shook as she stood up. She slowly gazed up at the sky... but there was no sky. Just a pit of a mix of black and white-making gray. Her black Convereses landed softly on the black ground, which was the only hint of where her feet were. Every place her eyes searched were dark. Sound was her sight. And so, she headed towards the voices. Joyce took one last glance back and accidentally ran into something squishy. She came face to face with Baymax.

"Oh man," Joyce muttered. Baymax waved his hand and said, "Hello, I am Baymax your personal health care companion. You have run into me. But show no sign of physical damage. Your neural cells do show that you are-confused."

Hiro jerked his head around and exclaimed a grunt of confusion. Robin turned his stern masked eyes towards Joyce. Starfire turned her pure, green ones in concern.

Joyce stepped back, and shook visibly. "Ohh...My....God," her voice trailed off. "Um, Hi?"

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