Jayna Pays A Friendly Visit. For Once.

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Jayna, being the cruel person she is now, would not EVER let the ones who wronged her die that easily.

Good news, everyone who got shot lived.  Bad news?

They were low on soldiers.

Hiro fought hand to hand with the Divergents (good team name, no?), as Baymax blasted their guns outta their hands.  Raven uprooted trees and uttered damaging spells to take out a majority of the Divergents.  Cyborg and Beast Boy worked together and took down the rest. 

But their efforts were just wasting time, or so they thought.  They didn't know Jayna would let them live.  They thought they were wasting they ones who shot's breaths. 

It wasn't that it was false, pain-wise, Joyce and the injured fighter's pain gave them the feel of dying.  Joyce had gotten shot in the hip, dangerously close to her kidney.  GoGo and Honey Lemon both had gotten shot in the ribs.  Wasabi had it in the arm and Fred got wounded in the shoulder, mere inches away from the artery in his neck.  Starfire had two bullets in the side of her abdomen.

Robin was the unlucky one.   He had a bullet in his back and one underneath his armpit.  Fatal areas.  Out of all of them, he was the most likely candidate for death.

But, if he died, I would be going back on my word, something I don't wanna do.

Here's what happened.  They won.  But barely.

Raven's anger was indescribable.  She cared for her friends, even the ones whom she'd just met.  Joyce, especially.  She'd done nothing to deserve this.  And she had a great way to express that indescribable anger.  Magic.

She yelled and sent all of the Divergents to another dimension.  She sealed off the portals and didn't waste a second.  She needed to help the wounded.  Baymax was the most helpful, being a robotic nurse, whatnot.

He diagnosed everyone to be able to be healed successfully.  Everyone except Robin.  He had a bullet in his spine, and one buried in his rib cage.  There was no saving him, not with the resources they had. 

Robin uttered three words, "Can't...move...paralyzed...."

Starfire sobbed profusely and grabbed Robin's hand in regret, she was weak and needed tending, but she lay there, grabbing her love's hand.  Then, just the person everyone wanted to see...


She held the book of Carotia in her hand.  She flipped boredly through the pages.  She even yawned for effect.

She pouted fakely and said, "Dying slowly..." "What a shame...."

Her mouth suddenly began to move.  And her words were clear.

"Wounds and bruises,
Hurt and clueless,
Give them a cure,
But thy intention isn't pure,
Suffer still,
Cry still,
Remember you have wronged me,
But mend your cuts,
And we'll get to the end

Jayna now had red power coursing around her, strengthening after every verse of her spell.  After she finished, the wounded were magically lifted and healed.  Joyce stumbled and looked into Jayna's eyes.  There was no regret, so she had healed them for a reason!!!  Just as she started pondering what the reason was, she was irritatingly interrupted. 

Jayna waved the book in their eyes and cackled.  "If only...."  she whispered dangerously.  And with that, she disappeared.

Joyce faced her team.  She wanted to hide, but she knew she had to say it. 

"Jayna's watching us," Joyce said firmly.  "But I want to lead my team victoriously, and the first thing we need is thay book.  According to my knowledge, it's called the book of Carotia.  Similar to Raven's spellbooks."

Nobody objected to her leadership, so Joyce sighed in relief.  But as soon as that finally was announced, the ground crumbled below them, and they were swept away.

For starters, they all landed safely, since there was a rock hard pavement underneath, the ones possessing flight saved the ones who didn't.  Honey Lemon made a bouncy mattress with her chemball.  The weather was mild, with a breeze and they were stuck in an alleyway similar to their original prison.  Who was here??

Joyce didn't even have time to think about that.  She was knocked into a brick wall by an invisible force.  Everyone looked at Raven, but she shrugged.  A girl flew behind them, with glowing green eyes.  Obviously the one who possessed telekinesis.  Joyce's eyes widened to a point where her pupils were just black spots in a pool of white.  That girl was Miss Martian.

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