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Joyce and her team landed on a hard mahogany wood floor.  Joyce grimaced as her heart materialized again.  The pain returned again.  Joyce looked up and saw that she was in a big library.  Huh, villains need to read too.  Speaking of villains, Joyce darted her head around to look for Jayna.  She was nowhere in sight.  Joyce growled angrily and pounded a near table.  There was a flaw in her plan.  Jayna had control of her teleportation.  And that included WHERE she desired to be.  Joyce hated Jayna to a vicious point now.  Her cruel play with Robin and Zatanna had really hurt her.

This is when Joyce gave her broken heart full attention.  And it hurt, really bad.  She was so stupid to think she had a shot.




After years of obsessing on Young Justice, how could she skip over the fact that Robin had a girlfriend?!  She was just feeling dumb now.

Tears silently rolled down her cheeks. Her team was still unconscious on the floor.  Warm, salty drops littered her fair skin, and Joyce let everything crush her.  Her mistakes, her regrets, her helplessness.  Everything crumbled and caved in on her.  Her shattered heart was a big obstacle, but Joyce then saw something from Jayna's point of view.

Jayna turned that hurt into power.  And Joyce felt obligated to follow.  If only she could turn that hurt into good power.  Joyce had read many books, saw many movies, and the leader ALWAYS STAYED STRONG.  That thought coursed through her mind and she came to a realization.  The leader stayed strong for their team.  And they also had their fair share of problems and heartbreaks.  But they still faked it until they made it.

But their problems were always solved, hearts always succeeding in finding love..... Joyce's mind rebutted.  Joyce whimpered and cried a little more.  But she knew she had to achieve that leader mindset. 

Suddenly, Joyce heard a groan and she saw GoGo stirring in her unconscious state.  Joyce quickly wiped her eyes and attended to her team.


"A library?"  Beast Boy asked questionably.  "I guess Jayna REALLY hates me."  Raven looked around, occasionally pickig up a book with her telekinesis.  Beast Boy grew irritated and yelled,


Raven raised a brow and said flatly, "We're looking for the Book of Carotia.  Ever occured to you that it might be a book?"  Beast Boy shrunk.

"Yeah," he said shakily.  "Totally."  Raven picked up a book and sighed.  "Nothing," she said.  "But even if I read everything, it would take far too long.  I'm sorry Joyce.  Maybe Jayna really isn't going to let us win."

Joyce's rage doubled at Raven's words.  Mixed with hurt, she was extremely frustrated at Raven's unsure words.  It was like she had no faith in Joyce!  Joyce decided to let them know of her frustrations.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"  Joyce screamed in the otherwise empty library.  "JAYNA'S GETTING TO YOU!  SHE THINKS SHE CAN HURT US AND MAKE US OBEY LIKE DOGS!  WELL, SHE CAN'T!  We have to stay strong guys.  I'm hurting too you know?  But we gotta push that aside and fight for the biggest bet on the line.  Our lives... Other's lives....."   Joyce's voice ricocheted of the vast area of the library.  She felt a humongous weight being lifted off her shoulders. Her confession was made.  Now she just needed her team to obey.  Everyone was quiet, taking everything in.  Joyce had a point.

Joyce broke the silence to command-"So, let's go find that book, and show Jayna who she's dealing with!"


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