Stronger Together

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It was getting really late, and Joyce was getting really tired.  Jayna could be SERIOUSLY cruel sometimes.  They were wandering miles on end in an empty city, no food, no shelter.  Nada. 

Joyce was getting really angry at this point.  Fighting, leading, getting shot.  In Robin's (her cheeks lit red at this thought) terms, she was downright WHELMED.  Everyone was trudging, obviously tired.  And Joyce sat down, her back against a tree -- defeated.  Her phone was in her pocket, and she quickly whipped it out.  No signal.  She stuffed it back in her pocket and sighed.  If Jayna didn't kill her first, starvation would.  Yep, things were not looking good for 13 year old Joyce Cambridge.

Then, GoGo decided to speak, since Joyce obviously was silent. 

"C'mon guys," she began sadly.  "There's a small forest over there, we can rest for the night, and hopefully find food."

The team dragged on, and finally reached the damp forest.

"Nice thinking, GoGo," Joyce mumbled.  And she started gathering twigs for a fire.  She laid the twigs on the ground and shrugged.  There was no way she had enough patience to rub sticks together for an hour.  She glanced at Starfire and she got the hint.

She was low on any energy at all, but managed enough starbolt power to create a small fire.  Raven went to go search for nuts and berries while the others made shelter.

Joyce felt tons of guilt and regret pile up on her shoulders.  If only she had declined Julianne, If only she had apologized to Jayna, if only she had explained things clearer....

If only.....they would not have been stuck here.

Shelter consisted of a leafy pillow and a leafy blanket (Raven mended them together with magic) on a soft pile of soil.  Joyce sighed and silently cried.  Raven had brought an assortment of nuts and berries (which were all deemed safe to eat), but she was starving.  She was helpless.  Tears wetted her fair skin and she didn't care.  Her emotions were overwhelming.  Suddenly, a warm arm wrapped around her.  It was the forever-optimistic Honey Lemon.

"Joyce," she began gently.  "Please don't cry.  We're here for you.  You didn't do anything wrong...."

Joyce's guilt multiplied by 10.  She hiccuped and replied, "No, Honey Lemon," she sniffled.  "I did everything wrong.  It's my fault!!!  So stop lying to yourself!  Because there's nothing you can do!!!"  Her sobs became louder and the tears kept pouring.  Honey Lemon was unfazed by Joyce's anger and she kept rubbing her back.  Joyce recovered and hung her head.  Joyce refused to raise her head, but Honey lifted her chin.  She hugged her warmly and didn't let go.  But a squeaky voice suddenly broke the silence. 

"Uhhhh, guys?"  Beast Boy stuttered.  "You might wanna see

Joyce lifted her head off of Honey's shoulder and walked towards Beast Boy's direction.  There was a larger part of the forest that Joyce had labeled unsafe, but Beast Boy seemed impressed on what laid ahead.

"Beast Boy," Joyce sighed, rubbing her head.  "We don't have time for th-WHOA!!!"

Joyce's eyes widened dramatically.  Ahead, there were 5 tents, a big fire, and a freshly cooked meal on a wooden table.

Everyone rushed towards Joyce and her outburst.  Everyone responded with a similar sound of admiration.  And almost everyone ran towards it.

"WAIT!!!!"  Joyce yelled.  "IT COULD BE A TRA-oh what the heck."  Fred had bitten into a melty fresh baked cookie and moaned with delight. 

"This is," Fred said with a mouthful of cookie.  "AMAZING!!!!!"  Joyce giggled a little and stepped through.  She picked up a cookie and took a big bite.  She couldn't help but moan too.  Mmmmmmmmm...soooo chocolatey.......mmmmmmm, chocolate.....  

But a small note under the silver cookie tray wiped Joyce's smile clean.

The note was lined with a calligraphic J.  And Joyce knew exactly who it was from.

You didn't think I'd let you die, right?  I mean, that soon.  Suffering is to come your way.  Enjoy your meal.  I swear it's not poisoned.  Showers are west of the tents.  Split the tents however you want.  Bathrooms are located near the showers.


Joyce stuffed the note in her hoodie pocket and rolled her eyes derisively.  She walked over to the dinner table and helped herself to chicken, dinner rolls and baked potatoes. 

After dinner, the boys and girls went to separate showers and there was a fresh pair of clothes waiting for them.  Courtesy of Jayna.  Joyce changed into a baggy T-Shirt and black shorts.  And slipped on her flip flops.  Joyce's school bag was there, retrieved by Jayna, and Joyce stuffed her old clothes in there.

She yawned and walked over to the tents.  They were all waiting to be assigned to their own tents.  But it was still early.  7:00.

Joyce signaled for them to gather around the fire, and she gestured for them to sit.

"Let's make use of time," Joyce said firmly.  "Let's get to know each other.  A familiar team is a stronger team.  I'll go first."

Joyce took a deep breath.  And slowly began.

"My name is Joyce Eliza Cambridge.  I am 13 years old..."

*Time skip*

It was now 9:30.  Joyce and her team had successfully earned each other's trust and were ready for bed.  She assigned tent designations.

1st tent-

Honey Lemon

2nd tent


3rd tent


4th tent

Beast Boy

5th tent


Joyce snuggled tightly in her light blue sleeping bag with Starfire in her pink sleeping bag right across from Joyce.  They exchanged good nights and Joyce smiled to herself.  Together.....

They were stronger together.....

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