Creatures of the night

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Taylor's POV

Summer was almost over and me and my family just came home from New York and now is in traffic because there's a storm(I don't know what really happened). Kira and I tried to get signal on top of our parent's car in traffic and we both didn't get signal at all. I tried to text Liam but it didn't work at all.

Then my mom popped her head out of her window and said, "Kira! Taylor! Please get in the car." We both jumped off and we both saw this guy staring at us. "I didn't get any signal either" This guy said and hold his phone up. Kira pushed me in the car, sat down next to me, and closed the door. "So, what's this thing you have at school?" Mom asked Kira. "It's a senior scribe, mom" Kira said. "Is it vandalism?" Mom asked and turned around. "No... I don't think it is" Kira said. Then dad started to talk about school things that I don't need to know.

After a while it started to rain harder and then Kira and I heard a sound from outside. It was Scott. Kira ran out in the rain and went to Scott and kissed him. "Kira!" Mom yelled. "Mom, I'm going to go, I'll see you two at home later. Bye!" I said quickly and ran out in the rain,went to school, and ignored my mom's yelling.

I got to school in 8 minutes and it wasn't that much. Then I saw a figure running towards the school, when it got closer it was Liam. "Liam!" I screamed and ran to him. "Taylor!" Liam yelled back and ran to me. We both met in the middle and hugged him really tight. Liam hugged me tight too. We both pulled away and kissed each other. The kiss was slow and passionate like out 1st date together.

We both pulled away and I asked, "Why are you in a rush?" "Scott's in trouble" Liam said. I nodded and we both ran and found Stiles and Malia talking to each other, Liam ran ahead of me then Liam got slammed down by Malia. "Oh my god" Stiles said. "Scott's in trouble" Liam said and Malia looked at Stiles.

We all ran where found Scott and Kira fighting this human formed creature. Liam roared and I pulled out my belt katana(She has the same sword as Kira). The human formed creature puts his long claws in Scott's chest and then Scott pulled out the creature's claws out of his chest and made him run away. Then someone came out of nowhere and came towards us. "Who's he?" Liam asked. "Aw, come on Scott and Stiles you cant forget about me in 4th grade" The guy said. "I have met your girlfriend and her little sister earlier, remember?" The guy said and looked at me and Kira.

"His name is Theo" Stiles said. "I want to be apart of your pack Scott... I'll give you time to think about it" Theo said and ran away. Leaving all of us in silence. "Well... Liam and I are going to go home, see you later guys" I said and grabbed Liam with me. I turned my katana into a belt and put it on. "So that was weird" I said. "Yep" Liam agreed with me. The rain was already gone but me and Lim was a bit wet. "Want me to take you home?" Liam asked. "Sure" I said. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together and we both walked to my home.

We arrived at my house and it only took 10 minutes. I stood at my doorstep and turned around. "Thanks for taking me home" I said. "No problem" Liam said. I gave Liam a quick kiss on the lips and say, "Bye"."Bye" Liam said and left and I went inside my house and went to sleep.


Author's Note:

I don't remember what happen where the scene Scott ad Theo was talking to each other so I tried my best


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