Strange frequencies part 1

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Taylor's POV

The next day Kira, dad, and me decided to go to school early on a weekend to help Dad with something. I wore this ( The pic is in the beginning of the chapter).

Dad drove us to school and told us to get the boxes in the trunk. Kira and I went out o the car and opened the trunk. All of us grabbed one box and went inside the school.

"Was this necessary on a Saturday morning, Dad" Kira said and I nodded my head agreeing with her. "Thank you for your help, girls" Dad said and opened the door.

"Not like you gave us a choice, but sure" I said and Kira and I went inside his classroom. We all put his boxes down on his desk and then Dad said, "There's one more in the car, I'll be right back" and left as we both nodded our heads.

We both started to putting things out of the boxes and put it on dad's desk. Then we both heard a sword unsheathing and then Kira pushed me the other way while she went the other way. We both look and saw mom.

Mom? What the hell?" Kira said. They started fighting and then mom said, "Kira, where's your sword?" "I um...I think I left it..." Kira said and couldn't finish her sentence because mom made Kira flip and then Kira landed.

Mom threw Kira the sword that she had and took another one behind her back. "Mom, this isn't what I would call quality mother-daughter time" Kira said. "Kira, defend yourself" Mom said and they both started to fighting.

Mom started to say things in Japanese and then trapped Kira on one of the desks. Kira's eyes started to glow and got out of mom's traps and sliced off mom's sword. Mom fell to the ground and was scary.

I took out on sword and helped mom from getting kill. I blocked Kira's attack as my eyes started to glow and had stared at Kira.

Then dad came in and said, "Kira! Taylor!" We both stopped and looked at dad. "I could've killed you, your lucky that Taylor save you!" Kira yelled. I turned to face mom and stood next to Kira. "Not you. The fox inside of you, the both of you. Taylor, your beginning to have the same problem as Kira" Mom said.

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