Parasomnia part 2

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Taylor's POV

Liam started to growl at Theo but Stiles said, "Whoa" and hold Liam back. "Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he look?" Theo asked. "Only when he left him off his leash" Stiles said. "Stiles, we were in Little League together. Why are you so suspicious of me?" Theo said. "Because of these" Stiles said and gave him the papers that Liam and I saw earlier. "One's a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago. The other one's a signature on a transfer form to Beacon High. They're different" Stiles said. "Huh. Yeah, they do look a little different" Theo said as he looks at the papers. "No, they're totally different. Signed by two different people" Stiles said.

"So my dad's not my dad? Like he's an imposter?" Theo asked. "Yeah,something like that" Liam said. "Who do you think I am?" Theo asked Stiles. "We don't know yet" Stiles said. "Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" Theo said. "No, I don't have anything from the 4th grade to match it to" Stiles said.

"You know, Stiles, I came back here for Scott... but I also came back for you, someone like you. Someone who's willing to walk in to the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that, but Scott does. You all do. I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here, I'm meant to be part of this pack" Theo said, looked at all of us and then left.

We all walked to Stiles's car and saw Scott there with his bike. "Find anything?" Scott asked. "Nope" Stiles said and went inside the car. "I fell in a hole" Liam said. "I just came along" I said and watched Scott and Stiles talked then Stiles said after the talk with Scott, "Liam just do me a favor, get in the car and turn the ignition when I say and Taylor... just get in the car" Stiles told us to do and we did. I sat in the passenger seat next to Liam.

"Try it" Stiles said. Liam tried it but it didn't work. "Try it again" Stiles said but it still didn't work. "Try it again" Stiles said it again but it still didn't work. It was silence until we heard Stiles yelled, "Because you trust everyone!" and he hit the car and it started to work. Later on, Stiles drove Liam and I to school.

When we got to school we ran where Mason was. "Hey, Hey. Sorry we're late" Liam said. "Oh no, you both are not late. You missed it. I worked out. For two hours" Mason said. "Yeah, we know, we both forgot. And I'm gonna tell you why. Actually, I'm gonna tell you a lot of things. A lot of hard to believe things. Really hard to believe" Liam said.

"There's a wolf" Mason said and made me a bit confused. "Yeah, I'm getting to that" Liam said. "No, There's a wolf right behind you guys" Mason said and we both turned around and saw a black wolf. "That's a wolf" Liam said. Then we all ran inside the school as the wolf came after us. Liam and I stopped as Mason ran to the stairs. I pulled out my belt sword as Liam roared. The wolf ran away and Liam and I saw Mason looking at us and came down the stairs slowly. I put my sword away and put it around my waist. "There's something I gotta tell you" Liam said. "You're a werewolf" Mason said.

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