Dreamcatchers part 1

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Taylor's POV

The next day Kira and I went to school a bit early to meet up with the others for a talk. When we got there mostly everyone was there. "Hey guys, sorry we're a bit late" Kira said. Everyone nodded. Kira stood next to Scott and I stood next to Liam. "Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors" Lydia said. "Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her" Stiles said. "Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott said then stopped and looked at Mason.

"Except for you" Scott finished his sentence as we all looked at me. "Oh, I'm sorry. This is all just mind-blowing" Mason said. "You're a kitsune also Taylor" Mason said and pointed at Kira then me. "I don't even know what that is" Mason continued to say. "I'm still learning" Kira said. "Me too" I said. "Liam, we said you could tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle" Stiles said at Liam and Liam made a face."Uh, I'm in the inner circle?" Mason asked Liam and Stiles. "No" Liam and Stiles said at the same time.

"Guys, look, back to Tracy. She's just one lone wolf. We can find her" Scott said. "One lone serial-killing wolf" Malia said. "Uh, she only killed one person, you know" Stiles said. "The other two were mauled. All right, what do we do when we catch her?" Stiles said. "I say we put her down" Malia suggested and we all looked at each other. "Intense" Mason said out of nowhere. "Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first. We'll figure out the rest later" Scott said and ended the inner circle.

Now we're all in class and I sat next to Tracy to watch her. I looked at Liam and gave him a look. He looked where I looked at and saw Tracy. "Mr. Yukimura can I go to the bathroom?" Liam said raising his hand. "Sure Liam" Dad said and Liam left. I saw Tracy shaking and the broke the her table table almost in half. Then the fire alarm rang. "No rushing, please. I'm sure it's just a drill" Dad said and everyone leaves expect for me and Tracy. "Hey, come on we need to go" I told Tracy. I looked at Tracy and she looks like she is going to kill someone.

Out of nowhere she grabs my arm and I can feel pain already. "Tracy" I heard Scott say.I turned around and saw Scott, Liam, and my dad walking towards us slowly. "Tracy" Scott said again. Tracy looks up and stands up. "Tracy" Scott said one more time. "Tracy let go. Let her go" Scott said and I saw blood oozing on my arm. "Guys, she hurting me" I said and whined a bit. "Tracy, let her go" Scott said one more time. "They're coming" Tracy said and let go of my arm. I looked at it and it wasn't that bad, I only have to wash the blood off. "They're coming for all of us"Tracy said and then fainted something came out of her mouth.

Scott carried her out of the school with my dad, Stiles, and Malia. Liam and I went out after them and stayed in school. "Where are they going?" I asked Liam. "Deaton" Liam said and looked at my arm. "Are you okay?" Liam asked. "Ya, I'll heal" I said and put my sleeve over the blood. and walked with Liam and saw Kira and Lydia coming to us. "They're taking her to the animal clinic?" Kira asked. "Ya, to see if Deaton can figure out what's wrong on with her" Liam said. "What's wrong with her is that she killed two people. Her father and, according to Parrish, her psychiatrist" Lydia said. "Isn't there anyone else we can talk to? Does she still have a mom? Any family?" Kira asked. "Alpha" Lydia said and we all looked at her.

"If she's a werewolf, she has an alpha right?" Lydia said. "Anyone know if a new one's moved into Beacon Hills?" Lydia said. "No, but there's an old one. One of the oldest. We know her" Kira said. "And her pack" Liam said.

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