Parasomnia part 1

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Taylor's POV

Today is the first day of my sophomore year with Liam and Mason. I woke up and got dress and wore(The picture is in the beginning or somewhere else...I don't know and the backpack could be your backpack or your dream backpack...).

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Granola bar and heard Kira from outside say, "Taylor! Hurry up!" "Coming" I said and ran out the door and went inside of Kira's car.

We got to school in like 6 minutes and I got out of the car first and said, "Thanks for the ride sis" "Well, I have to do this for a long time until you get a car" Kira said and we both laughed and we both went inside the school. First I needed to go find my class and then maybe find Liam and Mason later. I looked at my schedule and first period was my dad's class and others I'll find out later.

The bell rang so I went to my dad's class and sat in the middle of the classroom. Then I saw Liam and Mason coming in the classroom and talking about something. Liam saw me and sat the empty seat next to me and Mason took the seat next to Liam. "Take you seats, everyone" Dad said. Liam sat down and he felt something on his seat, he looked down and there was gum on his seat. I looked at the gum on his seat and giggled and Mason giggled too. Liam's face became grossed out as Mason and I giggled. "All right, welcome to History 103" Dad said and we all continued class.

Class ended and I went to Liam's locker to wait for Liam and Mason in the boy's lockeroom. I saw Liam and Mason coming over here and I said, "Hey guys" "Hey" Liam and Mason said. "Shouldn't you be thinking about other things like...Like the the soccer team?" Liam said to Mason and Mason looked at the soccer team. "What do you think I'm going to do? Follow them out to the field and watch them practice while I pretend to study?" Mason asked. "It's warm out" Liam said. "They'll probably gonna be shirtless" I added and Mason's face changed and said "I'll see you guys in Physics" and followed the soccer team.

School ended pretty fast Liam and I met up after school and walked out of class until we saw Stiles running up to us. "You two come with me" Stiles said and grabbed us and brought us into his car. Liam and Stiles sat in the front and I sat in the back. I saw Liam with 2 pieces of paper in his hands, I looked at it and Liam asked Stiles, "What's a Criminal Tremor?" "Ya, what's that?" I asked too. "It doesn't matter" Stiles said and grabbed the paper out of Liam's hands and drove the car.

Later on the day it was all ready night time and we just watch Theo the whole time and I don't know why Stiles needs to watch Theo. We all hid in the wood and watch Theo get something out of his car's trunk. "I told you he was up to something" Stiles said. "We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom. He better be out her covering up a mass murder" Liam said. "Let's find out" Stiles said and we all went to find out. "You still got his scent" Stiles said. "Don't need it" Liam said and we all looked down at Theo's footprints.

We continued to walked until Liam stopped. "What? What's wrong?" Stiles said. "I forgot, Taylor and I supposed to meet Mason at the school gym" Liam said. I forgot, I thought in my head. "Okay, what didn't you just tell him" Stiles said. "Tell him what?" Liam asked. "Anything" Stiles said. "I can't just tell him anything" Liam said. "Why not?" Stiles asked. "Because I haven't... I haven't told him everything" Liam said. "Still? We said it was okay" Stiles said.

"Yeah, I know but it's not that easy. It's a lot to accept." Liam said. "He watched my dad blow up a berserker with a land mine. I think the groundwork's been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance, Scott and I have been through this. Okay? More than once. It's always been better when they know" Stiles said and we all continued to walked. "But what if he freaks out? What if he doesn't want to talk to me or Taylor? What if he tries to stab me with something sliver? Or what if.." Liam said and then fell in a hole. "Liam!" I yelled. Stiles turned around and walked towards the hole. "What the hell are you doing? I... There he is. Hurry up. Stop screwing around" Stiles said.

Liam got out of the hole and I asked him, "Are you okay?" "Yea, I'm fine" Liam said and kissed me on my cheek. I smiled and he smiled back. "Come on" We heard Stiles said and we went to him and hide behind a tree.We watched Theo on a bridge doing something "Try and get his scent...Get anything?" Stiles said. "Soap. It's nice. It smells good" Liam said. " Not his soap, his emotional state. Chemosignals, remember?" Stiles said. "Oh yeah, Okay" Liam said and he did what he was told. "I... He's sad" Liam said. "He's sad?" Stiles asked. "Well, not just sad... It's more like grief" Liam said. "Grief?" Stiles said.

I looked at Stiles and his face changed. "Oh my god! Go, we have to go" Stiles said and pushed Liam and I "What, why?" Liam and I said. "Go! Right now. Just go" Stiles said and continued to push us to keep walking. "That's the bridge where they found his sister" Stiles said as we keep walking. "What sister?" Liam asked. "The one that got lost and died from exposure. He's leaving a flower for her" Stiles said. "That doesn't sound evil" I said. "I know" Stiles said. Then Stiles stopped making Liam and I stopped too. We all looked up and saw Theo on top of a tree and then he jumped down. He stood up and said, "What you guys doing?"

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