S2 E9: In Stereo Where Available

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Sarge gets in the Warthog's driver's seat, and Erica gets in the passenger seat while Simmons mans the gun turret.

Simmons: "Alright, hit it!"

Cut to Sheila who the Reds drive past, then to Church coughing from the smoke caused by the grenade exploding.

Church: "What the he-?" He cough. "Who tried to blow me up with a grenade...? And why am I coughing? I don't have lungs."

The Warthog flies over him.

Sarge: "Yeehaw! Ride 'em, cowboy!"

Church backs away.

Simmons: "Hey, Sarge," He leaps from the Warthog. "Hold on a sec!" The Warthog comes to a stop. "Did you see something weird, Sarge?" Sarge exits the jeep.

Sarge: "Yes, I did. Once, when I was a small child, I saw a man, who claimed to be my uncle, do this thing with a garden hose that still haunts me to thi—"

Erica: "That's not what he meant, sir!"

Simmons: "I meant did you see something weird just now. Like five seconds ago."

Sarge: "Oh. Then no."

Simmons: "What was all that stuff about your uncle?"

Sarge: "I keep telling everyone he wasn't my uncle! He wasn't!"

Simmons: "...You wanna talk about it?"

Sarge: "Just get back in the damn jeep." He gets back in.

Cut to Caleb, Calynn, (Y/N), Bell, Michael and Tucker approaching Lopez and aiming their weapons at him.

Tucker: "Hold it right there, Hombre!" He orders.

Bell: "Sorry!" She apologies as she aims her weapon at Lopez.

Calynn: "Don't try anything funny, or we'll open fire!"

Caleb: "What if he makes a joke, though?" He asks Calynn.

Tucker: "I told you throwing that grenade through the teleporter would work! Church is gonna be so impressed!"

Caboose: "And Sheila will love me again, and this time, for who I am, not just for my stunning good looks. But for those too."

Lopez: "Al diablo con estos mamones azules. Son tan estúpidos como parecen." He insults.

[Damn these blue bastards. They really are as stupid as they look.]

Caleb: "Rude." He turns to Lopez.

Bell: "I feel insulted." She says to Tucker.

Michael then speaks in his O'Malley voice.

O'Malley: "Your soul is a cavern of lies."

Tucker: "What the hell are you two talking about?" He asks Michael and Lopez.

Lopez: "Has ganado esta vez, pero su reinado cruel de tiranía será de breve duración. Los rojos van a ser vengados–"

[You may have won this round, but your cruel reign of tyranny will be short lived. The red people will be avenged–]

Tucker: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, nobody cares. We need you to fix our tank." He interrupts Lopez.

Bell: "Tucker, let the man speak."

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's rude to interrupt someone."

Lopez: "Nunca voy a trabajar para el enemigo. Que un mal esté sobre su alma y su casa."

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