chapter 11: the second sword

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After their battle with the diamond kingdom mage, who was now in a special cage, made by Klaus steel creation magic while Klaus himself was holding his grimoire, "Are you sure that's going to hold him" said Asta stepping forward with Nero on his head.

"Are you doubting my magic, he is uncouncious and I have his grimoire" said Klaus looking annoyed.

"Well I'm just happy that none of us were siriously injured" said Mimosa smiling who was now out of the flower healing cage.

"Are you sure you should be moving now, you were hit badly" said Noelle looking concerned.

"Oh no I'm fine, I'm mostly healed now and thank you for defending me back there" said Mimosa thanking Noelle.

"Well someone had to look out for you" she said looking embarrassed from the praise.

"Well thank you anyway" said Mimosa.

Noelle then blushed as she looked at Asta, "Asta would you do something about your shirt already" she said.

"I didn't bring anything with me" said Asta, "And look what happenned to my rhobe" he said looking upset at his Magic Knights rhobe that had been damaged, "Magnas gonna kill me when I get back".

"Hey Don't worry about it, Vanessa will fix it as good as new when we get back" said Luck.

"Wait really" asked Asta hopefully?

Klaus then coughed getting their attention, "Anyway it looks like we were the ones to reach the treasure hall first, so we won the competition, but I guess just this once will allow you to walk in with us" he said.

"Oh you allow, why are you acting so high and mighty sir spectacles, you wouldn't have been able to enter the treasure hall in the first place if we hadn't of shown up to save you" said Asta looking annoyed.

"How dare you call me that, we had everything under complete control and would have succeeded without you" said Klaus trying to stay calm but was still annoyed.

"No you wouldn't have" said Asta as the two of them started to argue.

"We're defineltey involved now" thought Yuno looking looking not impressed with the situation.

"Perhaps we should go to the treasure hall now" said Noelle pointing at the treasure hall door and stopping the argument.

"Alright were going to go in there and claim what's in there for the clover kingdom, YEAHH" yelled Asta holding up his anti magic sword in the air.

"Would you stop that yelling" said Klaus looking annoyed.

The six of them walked up to the large door, "So does anyone have any idea of how to get inside" said Asta.

"Obviously there most be somehting in this room that will open it" said Klaus.

Luck walked up to the door and placed his hand on it, "Actually this door was made with magic power, hey Asta try cutting through it" he said pointing at the door.

"Alright you got it" said Asta smiling as he raised his anit magic sword into the air.

"Please, you cant possibly be able to cut through such magic" said Klaus when Asta cut a big triangle hole in the door with his anti magic sword. The piece of the door that was cut off vanished and a bright light started to shine from the hole.

Asta covered his eyes from the bright light and when he put his arm down he looked to see a giant room covered with mountians of gold, treasure chests, swords and multiple kinds of jewelry.

"Whoa there's so much treasure" said Asta looking surpsied as he walked into the treasure hall with the others.

"How lovely" said Mimosa holding up a red cloak.

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