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I fluttered my eyes open to find myself in the same position and same hallway Justin left me in.

No one found me.

Well shit. That tiny bit of hope is non existent.

After about 15 minutes of me failing to get up, I just laid on the floor in an unbelievable amount of pain.

That kid can kick Damn. I lifted my shirt to see a purple and yellow bruise the size of both my hands together, on my stomach.


I finally accomplished to get up. I limped toward the door and held on to the door knob for assistance.

I patted my front and back pockets, to find nothing.

Where the hell is my phone?

I looked around trying to see where my phone could be.

I found something black on the floor. Guess what it was?

My demolished phone. Damn it. He threw me at the wall, I must have landed right on my ass. Me being me, put the phone in my back pocket, so it shattered in my pocket from the impact.

My pain was replaced with anger.

This fucking guy thinks he can boss me around because he's famous and he wants a nice fuck.

Well new flash Justin!

You ain't shit.

The only time he can touch my body is when he kisses my ass next time I see him.

I opened to door for any sign of people. It's already dark outside, fuck.

My phone is broken so it won't turn on or anything.

I found a work phone on a desk and limped toward it.

Do these people not check if people are still in the building when they lock up. Wtf?

I dialed Ryder's number and waited for him to answer.

I know ryder never apologized but he's still my brother and I can't exactly tell my mom to pick me up because she will start questioning everything.

I also know that ryder doesn't have a license or permit but he can drive fairly well, so he's my only option.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rin-

"Hello?" Ryders voice rang through my ears.

"Ryder!!! Thank god you answered. Can you pick my up please from the recording studio?!" I said in a hurry but my voice was raspy and barely audible.

I don't know why.

"Madison? Why are you there? Mom has been panicking and she was so close to calling the police for a missing child. Luckily I stopped her but still. Do you know what time it is?" He whisper yelled.

"Uhh....." I didn't know how to answer.

"It's 1:06 am" he whispered one again.

"I'm sorry Ryder but please pick me up!" I begged.

He sighed. I had my fingers crossed that he would agree.

"Fine. Where are your keys?" He asked.

I sighed of relief.

"Downstairs on the counter" I replied happily.

"Okay I'll be there soon" he said.

I hung up and sighed happily.

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