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I walked toward the couch and sat down, letting out a loud sigh.

I opened my eyes and saw the sluts staring at me with a disgusted look on their faces.

Or is that just their disgusting face? I wouldn't know, because of those pounds of makeup.

Damn even my thoughts are sassy today.

I hand motions her to 'shoo' or in my language 'fuck off'.

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the house with the rest of her 'pets'.

"Heyyyyy I was about to get some" Chaz whined.

"No one cares, just use your hand stupid" I sassed.

"Jason you better calm your girl before I do something I'll regret" he warned.

I rolled my eyes and messed with my acrylic nails.

He forcefully jumped out of his seat on the couch and grabbed my arm.

I turned my arm so that it twisted his into a position that hurt him.

He yelled and was about to grab me with his other arm. When I grabbed his other hand and pulled his fingers back really hard.

"Fuck, okay okay okay. You win. Let me go" he said cowardly.

"What's the magic word?" I pushed.

"Fuck off. I'm not saying 'the magic word'" he said.

"Have it your way" I said simply.

I let go of his fingers and twisted his arm so it was twisted behind his back and pulled on it.

"FUUUUCCKK" he yelled in pain.

"Ok ok please let me go fuck " he said.

I laughed and let him go.

He say back down on the couch and glared at me. I just smiled sarcastically in return.

I heard clapping from behind me. My head snapped toward the noise, to find Jason clapping there smirking at me.

"Well damn. That was impressive. " he complimented.

"I try" I flipped my hair.

"I like her" Ryan, Khalil, an Matthew said at the same time.

Jason just nodded in agreement.

"Do you guys have any alcohol?" I asked walking to what I thought was the kitchen.

Well actually I limped.

"Woah, what happened? Why is she limping?" He asked to no one in particular.

I glared at Matthew and leaned against the wall.

"I uhhh i-we" he stuttered.

"He fucking shot my leg" I said.

They all looked at me with wide eyes.

"What? He was taking to long" I shrugged.

"Why the fuck did you shoot her?!" Jason raised his voice.

"She tried getting away" Matt defended.

"Well, well, well" Jason said turning away from Matt and started making his way toward me slowly.

He is creepy. But he doesn't scare me.

"You need to do me a favor before you leave, sweetheart." Jason whispered in my ear.

Dangerously close to me.

"And what's that Mr. McCann?" I sarcastically said while smirking.

"Follow me" he said and reached his hand toward me.

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