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Matthew took the bullet out of my leg and stitched it up.

I'm all better now, but it hurt like a bitch.

We're about five minutes away from my house now and Matthew has been trying to start conversations with me but I just ignored him. I know that's a bitchy move but I'm just too traumatized right now.

My mind just keeps going back to how he forced me and kept doing everything HE wanted without feeling guilty.

How many girls has he done that to?

Does he ever feel guilty?

How can a human being even become that disgusting? Only care about their needs?

We turned onto my street, Matthew parked about two houses away so it won't look weird.

It already is pretty weird. His 'boss' has been watching my every move and probably knows more about me that I know about myself. His 'boss' also told him to 'kidnap' me to rape me, but he let me go right after. Which I'm still confused about.

But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

Because he's probably watching my every move still, just to make sure I don't turn him in or tell anybody.

Why would I tell anybody? It's not like I want to go near that guy again. Let alone be touched by him again.

I shuddered at the thought.

"Um, we're here" Matt stated, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, um, yeah, sorry. Bye" I said trying to open the door. Then I remembered the child lock.

"Oh yeah. Here let me get that for you." He chuckled.

I fakely laughed.

He opened my door and helped me out. It's weird how much has changed since we first met.

He had no mercy and shot my leg, and now he kept wondering what's wrong and caring, and he's also helping me out of a car like a gentleman.

A kidnapping gentlemen.

I mentally laughed at my thought.

I mumbled a 'thank you' and walked toward my house as slow as possible. I wasn't ready to face my family right now to be honest. They're gonna interrogate me and worry even more when I tell her 'nothing happened'.

This is reminding me about how I used to be 'depressed' in junior high. I was really confused and hormonal in those years. I would always tell people I was 'fine' but that's the biggest lie anyone can tell. I cut and my mom walked in on me one day and had a long talk to me about how much my life is a gift and how beautiful life is.

It helped and I've been clean since.

I twisted the door knob to find it open, surprisingly. It's like 3 in the morning and everyone's sleeping, who the hell doesn't lock the front door? 

I looked behind me to see the black SUV turning the corner and sped away from my house.

I sighed and walked inside, lightly closing the door behind me.

I walked upstairs and opened my bedroom door to see my mom knocked out on my bed hugging a picture of me with tears on her cheeks.

It was a depressing sight and I probably would've cried if I had any tears left in my body but my eyes are dry and dull.

I walked back downstairs and laid down on the couch. Right when I felt the soft fabric, I feel into a deep sleep.

•10 a.m.•

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