14.The party ( skyler's outfit )

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I woke up to matt screaming and running around like he's on fire I had to laugh at him . when I stopped and said " what's wrong " " were going to be late " I looked at my phone and noticed we have five minutes to get to school " shit " I whisper as I jump up and matt tossed my a part of jeans and a t shirt thankfully wear the same height so his clothes are only a little baggy but that's fine .

I quickly dressed and we both run down stairs and jumped in the car . we made it with a minute to spar as soon as we were inside we looked at each other and burst out laughing that matt fell to the floor and I laughed more the bell rang and we hugged still laughing and waved bye and I headed to class .

" your late Kingston " " sorry " he nodded and I take my seat chase was already sitting next to me . we didn't say anything the hole class was quite I looked out the side of my eye and look at him good I cant even look at him cause every time I do I just want to jump in his arms and kiss the crap out of him even though what he said and done all he has to do is say three little words and I would be all over him in a split second .

the rang and I run out of the room and had English next I walked in and Jamie had a huge smile on his face I sat next to him and he was the first to talk " hey " he said very excited " hey why are you so happy "he grinned " is that a crime " " no its not but your to happy it a little weird " " sorry " I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm I knew how to get him to talk its easy you don't talk to him and he'll break .and three .. two... one..." okay okay im having a party and I want you to come " he said see I told you . I giggled " only if my friends can come " "yes they can it starts at seven ill text you the address " he said I nodded and we talk about the party and he started saying his best pick up lines that just made me laugh I does he seriously think that they work . " Hey I'm looking for treasure, Can I look around your chest? " oh god " Hey, I lost my underwear, can I see yours? " "I lost my virginity... can I have yours""Come here or my dick will start CUMING for you! Don't be so picky.... I wasn't! " oh I cant stop laughing they just keep getting worse I think someone needs to tell him .

he frowned and said " what " he waited till my laughter died down " you seriously don't think they work do you " he laughed and said " yeah they work " " on sluts sure normal girl would just laugh ""no they wouldn't " I got an idea " okay prove it " his eyebrow raised and said " how do I do that " " if my friend ash falls for you pick up line ill leave it alone if not then you shall suffer" "okay when "" at lunch come up once we sit I ant to watch this train crash " he nodded and we shake hands to seal the deal oh this should be fun .

30 minutes later ..

me matt and ash are laughing our ass off matts on the floor and ash is about pee and im about to die Jamie's still standing there not sure what's happening everyone in the cafeteria is looking at as like we are insane but none of us care we finally calm our selves and sat back down ." you seriously don't think that works " ash said to Jamie I giggled and looked and Jamie who was now pouting and said " told you so " ash looked at me " what " she asked a little confused I explained what happened and she thought it was funny and then we started to talk about the party .

school was now over and I dropped matt off so he can grab some clothes for the party and ash was going to just borrow something of mine we watched a movie then got ready for the party mattie put some ripped black jeans and a green button up top shirt that brought out his eyes . ash had used my short black dress and a black pair of boots she straitened her hair and I had a white skirt and a black crop top bra with a denim vest and black heel boots I curled my hair an put more make up then normal .

when we were done I drove to the address Jamie told me and when we walked up to the drive way there was already people on the grass knocked out and drink falling over there was flashing lights every where . we walk in side and the music invaded my ears I think I might go not be able to hear tomorrow I looked around only to find more drunk people and girls grinding on guys and people nearly having sex in the middle of the room . eww its so gross suddenly I felt an arm around my waist my heart started beating very hard in my chest .

I looked up to see Jamie I slapped him in the chest " ow what was that for " he asked while rubbing the spot I hit " for giving my a heart attack "I yelled at him " sorry come on lets get a drink " I nodded and then noticed mattie and ash have disappeared such great friends I have I yell at them later .

Jamie handed my a drink " what's in this "I asked " I not sure its a mix of all things " right I sat the drink down I mean one I don't know what it is and two I have to drive so yeah ill pass " don't drink " he asked " no I do its just im the driver to night so better not " he nodded understanding why .

ten minutes later and ash and Jamie are dancing together and matt is on his phone I think he talking to Jordan there so cute I get up from the seat im on and walked into the kitchen to get a drink was water . I grabbed a glass and walked to the sink suddenly the was an arm around my wait and his other hand on my thigh moving up and down " I should finish what I started before " he whispered in my ear oh god its Luke I try go move or get way from him " your not getting away this time" I went to scream but he put his hand that was on my waist on my mouth so I can't scream .

tears are pouring out of my eyes his body is wide so no one can see me cause he has his back to every one and thee also to drunk to care his hand is moving closer and closer I try to move only to feel hi bulge press into my back ." I wouldn't sweetheart" he whispered to me I cry even more know I can not get away this time he's using all his strength against me and I cant move . " Luke " I hear some one yell it sound like chase I don't think Luke heard he was to busy grinding on my back and rubbing my front im crying so hard I cant even see .

suddenly Luke's pulled off me and I fall to the floor still crying " what the hell chase I finally got her were I want her" Luke yelled at chase hasn't looked in my direction but when he does his face is hard and his eyes turn black as he looks but at Luke I wipe my eye and try to get up but couldn't stand I looked up to see chase on top of luke beating the shit out of him .

I finally found my voice and screamed " chase stop " and with that he did and turned around his eyes softened when he looked me in the eyes he walked over and picked me up bridal style and walk out and over to my car I gave him the keys he put me in the passenger seat and got in the drives seat and drove home. only it wasn't my home it was his I started to get out but he grabbed my hand and said " don't " I didn't argue cause I was to tired .

he walked over to my door and pick me up again and was walking to his door " you know I can walk right " he didn't say any thing just kept walking to his room when we entered he sat me on his bed and walk back to the door and locked it .he walk back over to me and fell to his knees wrapping his arms around my waist and his face in my boobs .

" im sooo sooo sorry " I was taken back he believed me now but I couldn't forgive him til he actually says it "cha-" I began to say but he cut me off " no please not say anything til im finished please " I nodded " skyler in so sorry about everything im sorry I didn't believe you im sorry I ignored you and hurt you im so sorry but it was hard for my to I hated see you sad or distant and I was sad I wasn't the one making you smile and laugh I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep and I know I told you I would ask him but I didn't want to lose him as a friend but you dint need to worry I hate him so much ill never even look at him I want to kill him for hurting you " he stopped to breathe .

" I wish I could take it all back but I cant im so sorry I love you im so sorry I hope one day you forgive me but I get it if you don't " I cant believe he just said he loves me "chase " he didn't answer I think he scared ill hate him cause his grip got tighter . so I tried again " chase" I said and I cupped his checks " look at me " he did and there was so much emotion in his eyes . " chase I forgive you " his mouth fell open

" why " I was confused " why what "I asked " why would you ever forgive me " I paused but I knew why so I said it those three little words

" because I love you chase ".

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