15.Lunch with chase

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" because I love you chase "

" you love me " he asked as if he didn't believe me

" yes I love you is that a problem "

" no no no god no I love you too "he hugged me so hard I couldn't breathe " ca- bre-" was all I could get out he didn't let go " chase " I got out and he loosened his grip on me " sorry im just so happy " I smiled then I kissed him I moved back to look at him but he kissed me hard he licked my bottom lip begging for entrance which I gladly gave his tongue danced around mine and pulled back and started kissing down my jaw and down to my neck I gasped when he found my sweet spot he smirked and started nipping and sucking at that spot I couldn't stop the moan escaping from my mouth .

" skyler " he moaned which brought me back to reality I don't even know if were back together and I don't know if im ready his hand started to move from my hip to the bottom of my shirt and his finger grazed my skin and started moving around my back . oh shit I quickly grabbed his hand " chase " I said he didn't respond oh shit did he fell it " skyler " "hmm" I responded with and got up backing away from him .

he looked at his hand and I knew he felt it shit I was to late he look back at me I had move from the bed and now was at the window looking into my room" skyler look at me " and I did while I was hugging my self and I tear slipped out chase run and hugged me " baby shh its okay im here and im not leaving " I stopped crying and hugged him " baby what's on your back ""chase its been a long night I just want to sleep how about I tell you later ".

he stopped and then said okay " tomorrow we going to have lunch and you can tell me okay " I nodded in agreement I knew I wasn't getting out of this one no chance in hell . " now lets sleep" I nodded and he changed into boxers and gave me a pair and an over sized shirt once changed I walked back into the bed room and chase was laying in bed he looked at me and smirked opened his arms and said " come here baby " I rolled my eyes but still did as he said I laid down on his chest and my leg over his stomach his hand was on my thigh and the other was around my waist we talked a little but then I fell asleep the last thing I heard was " goodnight love " .

I woke up cuddle up to chase my face berried in his chest my arm around his waist and his arm around mine and one under my head as my pillow I smiled and looked up at him he's so cute when he's asleep his hair is everywhere and his mouth is open and oh god there's drool coming out eww I felt something wet on my shoulder eww eww eww I tried to move but chase tightened his grip so I punched him in the chest .

he jumped up " ow what was that for " he said as he rubbed his chest I lifted the bottom of his shirt an ripped it from my body and threw it at him " hmm okay if that's what you want " he started to move towards me but I stopped him I put slapped his arm " ow what was that for "" you drooled on me " " I don't drool baby " I laughed " really then what's on the shirt and your chin " I smirked as he lifted his hand to his chin then he wiped it way and said " sorry babe " gross I can not believe he drooled on me " eww your gross " he smirked and crawled on top of me " but you love me " " yeah I do what are you going to do about it " I said as I smirked at him.

"this " he said and kissed me I pushed him away he looked hurt that I didn't want to kiss him " what " he asked " morning breathe " I said in a 'duh' tone he chuckled and said " your so cute and I don't care" I jumped up and walked to the bathroom but stoped when he called my name shit I forgot I don't have a shirt on I froze in fear,

he walked up behind me and I didn't move his finger tips started to move across all the skin on my lower back where the skin is raised and red bumpy gross I hate it my scars the only thing that makes it impossible to hide my past a tear escaped and rolled down my check .

" skyler" " yeah " I whispered an able to speak any louder " can you tell me" I nodded but asked if I could brush my teeth first he chuckled and said yes I told him to sit and wait . I walked back out and sat on the bed he gave me a new shirt that dose not have drool on it and then sat next to him " okay this is going to be hard but bear with me I've never said any of this out loud " he nodded and held my hand " okay so you know about mum and bill " he nodded " well its not the perfect family mum and bill always favoured the twins more then me and mum was always working and one night I missed curfew and when I got home bill screamed at me " I stoped and a tear fell he gave my hand to get me to continue .

" he he slapped me across the face and that was all at first but then he started to hit me more and when mum was home he would only hit me were you wouldn't see and then she left again and it was just before I came here he was drunk and the twins were at a friends he came into my room and he he raped me then hit me when he was finished and said if anyone found out he'd kill me I was so scared so later that night after he passed out I called dad and asked if I could live with him and being my dad he said yes and came and got me "

he looked so pissed but then said " is that all I shook my head " what else " that call the one you asked me about " he nodded " it was him he found out I left and he said that he was going to find me and when he does he'll kill me" " when I walk out I heard him say slut what was that about " he heard you and called me a slut for having another man " " is that all I shook again " a few days later after our fight I got another call from him saying that he found me and he was coming for me and that I should kill myself to save him a trip but then he said not to so he could enjoy doing it himself I was going to tell you to stay away so you were safe but I cant I love you I fell safe with you but you hurt me when you didn't believe me "

" I know baby im sorry and don't worry ill stay with you nothing going to happen to you nothing now lets have some fun were going out go get ready he gave me a kiss and walked into the bathroom I run down stairs and back to my house then up stairs and got into the shower and then I got dressed and put my hair in a high pony tail then put some make up on walk out to my long mirror to check out my outfit to see if it was okay .

I had black skinny jeans black heels and a singlet that's grey with black strips on it yup I approve and then my door opened and chase walked in he walked and put his arms around my waist and kissed my check " your beautiful " " thanks " he started kissing my neck and I bit my lip holding in a moan and smirked and grabbed my hand " lets go "

we are now sitting in my car chase is driving and I have no idea where we are going I keep asking and he wont budge damn him I pout and said " pleaseeeee" " nope " he said popping the 'p' I only know one more way to ge what I want I place my hand on his thigh and slowly move it up til im nearly at his weak point and ask again " please" " okay we are gong to the movies " yaya I told him there was a movie I wanted to watch and it just come out " I cant believe you remembered "" but of course " .

2 hours later ....

" that was the best " I said " it was okay " " you know you loved it " he kissed me on the check and asked what I want to do now and said one word " pizza " he chuckled and said okay we went to the diner the first one we went to. we sat at a both and mattie came over and I jumped up and hugged him and asked how Jordan is and he said they had a date to night and then said we would talk later I nodded and sat next to chase he put his arm around me and ordered for us .

we were talking about Jamie and ash and the pick up lines when I stopped talking chase was laughing his ass off I kissed him and said " can we go im tired " he nodded and we left and went to my place and watched the walking dead and we ate ice cream and I had to ask " so does this mean were back together " " yes baby were back " I smiled and hugged him and he gave me a kiss and we kept watching and I fell asleep in his arm I really like being with him if I lose him I wont be able to survive .

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