Chapter 1

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"Kayleigh come on! I've got an interview! I'm gonna be late!" I shouted upstairs.

"I'm coming!" She shouted back down.

"Yeah well, get a move on! I haven't got all morning!" I shouted back up.

"Alright, mardy pants, I'm here" She snapped at me.

"Don't speak to me like that young lady! Treat me with some respect!" I warned her.

"Well, sorry!" She replied, sarcastically.

"Are we ready to go?" Gareth asked us.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"So what am I supposed to do? Sit and twiddle my thumbs?" Kayleigh asked me.

"You could try behaving for once in your life" I told her.

"Yeah? Well, you could try spending a day with me for once in your life. Oh no wait..." She smirked.

"She's got a point T. You've got a daughter and you never see her" Gareth piped up.

"Yes, well do you want some money or not Kayleigh?" I asked her.

"Yes, obviously but we have have loads of money. You can afford to take one day off" She moaned.

"Look, Kayleigh, I get bored at home, you know I do. We can't go out anywhere unless you want the paps in our faces all day" I explained.

"You can still spend a day with me. It wouldn't hurt you. We can sit and watch movies all day, make cakes, have loads of food and have one day for just us two" She suggested.

"I'll see what I've got planned in the couple of days yeah?" I smiled.

"You don't have anything tomorrow, I had a look" Gareth spoke to me.

"Well, tomorrow then?" I smiled.

"Yeah, cool!" Kayleigh grinned.

"Right come on then, I've got an interview to get to" I laughed.

An hour or so later.

I was being interviewed on This Morning. They kept asking me about my daughter. I always say not to ask me stuff about Kayleigh but they still do. I mean, it's not that I'm ashamed of Kayleigh cause I'm not at all, it's just that she's part of my private life and I've battled to keep her out of the public eye.

A short while later

The interview was done and dusted. I was now back in my dressing room taking my make-up and the dress off. I needed to go to Tesco, just for a few bits and pieces. I didn't want us to spend ages in there cause I just needed a few things for our dinner. Of course loads of people tried taking pictures of Kayleigh, which I was far from happy about. I don't care about them taking pictures of me, I'm used to it. Let's be fair, that's what I signed up for but they aren't taking pictures of my daughter and posting them God knows where.

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