Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter will be in Tulisa's point of view

Tulisa's P.O.V

I asked my Mum to pick Kayleigh up from school for me and have her tonight as I couldn't face leaving  the house and seeing people. I still couldn't get over what had happened just a few hours ago. It's the fact he not only forced his way into my house, but he also had me pinned down on the sofa and he had his hands down my pants. I just couldn't bear the thought of that creep touching me. Even laying in bed thinking about it is sending shivers down my spine. I've decided I'll just do what he asks buf if his demands get too much, I'll have no choice but to report him. Yeah, I know what I did was bad, I've never told anyone what I did but I have to do what he says otherwise I know he will.

The next morning

Sure enough, he turns up at 9:00am on the dot. I open the door and stare at him with a disgusted look on my face. He pushes past me and goes into the living room.

"You know what's happening today right?" He laughed.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

"Sorry what was that?" He asked me.

"I said yeah" I repeated.

"Good. Take your clothes off then" He ordered.

"Here?" I stammered.

"Well yeah. It's not meant to be passionate so I aren't taking you to bed" He snorted.

"I'm not doing it here" I stated.

"You'll do as I fucking say!" He sneered, pulling my pants down.

"Look, you've made your point, fuck off!" I yelled at him.

"I'll fuck off when I've done with you!" He shouted at me.

"No you'll fuck off now!  I don't want you in my life! You've had five years to get what you wanted you slimeball, you're not having it now!" I screamed at him.

"Just shut up and get down there you daft cow!" He ordered me, pushing down hard on the sofa, as he forced his way on top of me and inserted his penis inside me.

I tried to struggle but the more I struggled, the worse it became for me. He pushed me further and further down into the sofa. He started to kiss me and I used all my strength to push him off me.

"What have you done you silly cow? You've made it worse now" He laughed.

"How can it possibly get any worse than that?" I cried.

"I warned you, do what I say, or else you and your kid get it" He told me.

"You don't frighten me" I answered.

"You look pretty scared to me" He smirked, as he kissed me once more.


"I hate it too, but I'm going to make your life hell, the same way you did to me" He responded.

"I did not make your life hell, you did that all by yourself" I snapped at him.

"Oh so you didn't do..." He began.

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