Chapter 13

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The next day, I had to go back to school, leaving my Mum on her own again. I know she's scared of something and I'm going to find out what it is. I might only be ten years old but I'm not stupid. I know when there's something wrong with her because I know her and I know she's trying to protect me from something. Whoever this guy is and whatever he wants, scaring my Mum isn't the way to get it. 

Anyway, enough about all that, I'm on my lunch break and I'm sat in the lunch hall with my friends Josh, Sophia and Grace. I'm quite a shy person when it comes down to it really. A lot of people have this gobby perception of me just because of my Mum but I'm only ever feisty if someone starts an argument with me. I can't possibly think where I get that from! Sophia starts talking to me about my Mum.

"What's it like then having a famous Mum? I bet it's amazing, you know! You get a massive house and all the money in the world!" She babbles on.

"It's not as good as you'd think really. She works a lot so I hardly ever see her" I replied sadly.

"Yeah but all the money and the big house must be amazing though, right?" She questioned me.

"Yeah that's about it" I answered.

"So you hardly see her then?" Grace added.

"No" I snapped.

"Girls, just leave her alone, you can see she's getting annoyed" Josh piped up in my defense.

"Thanks Josh" I smiled.

"It's no bother" He grinned.

"Having a famous Mum isn't as fun as you'd think though" I told them all.

"Is it really that bad?" Grace questioned.

"The money and house are the only good things about it" I answered.

"Do you wish your Mum wasn't famous?" Sophia asked me.

"Obviously, but then again, we wouldn't have the money" I uttered.

"For God's sake you two, what's with the twenty questions? Just leave Kayleigh alone, yeah?" Josh told them.

"Do you fancy her?" Grace teased him.

"No I don't" Josh replied bluntly.

"So why you always sticking up for her then?" She laughed.

"It's called being a decent friend and accepting she doesn't want to talk about it" Josh stated.

"Alright keep your hair on" Grace grinned.

We finished our lunch and then went back to lesson. As much as I love my Mum, I wish everyone would stop going on about how "fun" they think it must be with her being famous, because believe me, it isn't! I've just had an idea, which I need to speak to my teacher about. I've decided I want to do a small talk in the next assembly about what having a famous Mum is REALLY like. People read about it but no-one knows what it's like until you have to live it day in, day out. I guarantee that by the time I finish my talk, then people won't think it is cool to have a famous Mum after all.

I took my teacher to one side and told her my idea about doing a talk on having a famous parent and she said I could do it. She told me that all I had to do was write down my thoughts and say it in front of people in assembly. I'm sure I can do that.

"Are you sure you can do it Kayleigh?" She asked me.

"Yeah I have to do this. I'm sick of people going on about how "cool" they think it is because it isn't. They should count themselves lucky that their parents aren't famous and they're there for them at the end of the day. Mine hardly ever is. Yeah I have loads of money and a nice house but I also have a Mum who's hardly there when I need her" I explained.

"You do seem like you're a bit fed up with it now" She agreed.

"I am fed up of it. The whole point of putting me in a normal school was so people can treat me the same as they'd treat any other student in the school but all I get each and every day is "where's your Mum? How is she?" and I'm sick of it now. I didn't come to this school to be singled out" I cried.

"So you want to do this talk in assembly?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I was thinking, if I get my Mum in as well and she can back up what I'm saying?" I suggested.

"If she's not working on the day you decide to do your talk then I don't see why not. It shouldn't be a problem" She answered.

"Thanks Miss" I replied, before going to sit back down.

"What was all that about?" Sophia asked me.

"Oh nothing, just an idea I've had" I told her.

"Which is..." She quizzed.

"You'll have to wait until Friday to find out" I sighed.

"Kayls?" Grace spoke to me.

"Look, I'm not telling people! You'll all have to wait until Friday!" I snapped.

"Alright, jeez calm down" Sophia laughed.

"No I won't" I mumbled, before standing up and moving to the back of the class out of the way.

I need to do this talk on Friday morning. I want everyone to shut up and stop bugging me about my Mum. I know people will scream when they realise I've asked her into school but I really don't care anymore. All I know is, that after Friday, people WILL stop bugging me about me having a famous Mum when they realise it's not as cool as they think!

A couple of hours later, I'm back home and my Mum was home as well for once. I decided to sit her down and talk to her about my idea.

"Mum, can I talk to you?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure babe, come sit down" She smiled patting the space next to her.

"I've had an idea..." I began.

"Right..." She replied, looking a bit puzzled.

"I want to do a talk at school in assembly about having a famous parent because I'm sick of people saying how "cool" they think it is and I want you to come along as well" I told her.

"Right and when you thinking of doing this talk?" She quizzed me.

"On Friday" I responded.

"This Friday?" She asked me.

"Yeah" I answered.

"It's a good job I've got a day off then" She grinned.

"So will you do it?" I wondered.

"Of course I will! I'd do anything to make you happy" She laughed.

"Thanks Mum!" I replied, running off excitedly.

I went off to do my homework. I can't believe she's agreed to come with me to do this talk! I hope that after it, people will stop saying they think it's "cool" that I have a famous Mum when they realise it actually isn't. All I need to do, is write down my thoughts on a piece of paper and say them in front of people in assembly. My Mum will be there too, just to back up whatever I'm saying so I'll be fine.

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