Chapter 14

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A few days later.

It's Friday morning and today's a big day. It's the day I'm doing my talk in assembly on having a famous Mum. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. I'm nervous as I don't know what peoples reaction will be to my Mum being in school, but also excited because I know that after it, people will leave me alone, when they realise having a famous parent is no fun.

"Kayleigh, you ready?" My Mum called up the stairs.

"Yeah, coming down now!" I called back down, as I grabbed my school bag and closed my door.

We got in the car and made the half hour journey to school. We had assembly first thing so my Mum had to make her way to the assembly hall and then wait just behind the curtains. Our teacher took the register in the classroom and then took us to the assembly hall. The teacher stood up and made an announcement to everyone to say I wanted to make a speech. I've been working on this for the last few days so it better be good!

"Good morning everyone. Today is a very special assembly as we have a student who would like to say a few words, so Kayleigh if you could come up to the front please? Please welcome Kayleigh May Contostavlos." The teacher announced.

I stood up and made my way to the front. I could feel all these eyes staring at me as I held the piece of paper in my hand. I cleared my throat and began to speak.

"Most people who know me will know I am Tulisa's daughter. Yes Tulisa from N-Dubz, The X Factor judge, that Tulisa. I'd like to give you all an insight into the true life of a pop stars daughter. Let me tell you something, being a pop stars daughter isn't fun, in fact it's anything but fun most of the time. Most people have their parents with them at the end of the day and there's a 99% chance that my Mum is working. The only good thing about all this, is that yes we have a nice house and a lot of money. My Mum could even afford to send me to a private school, but she wanted me to have the most normal life possible. People say to me all the time "I bet it's fun being a pop stars daughter" and most of the time it isn't. Most of the time it's quite lonely as I have no other siblings. It can be hard and it isn't fun. I'm not trying to rub people's noses in it by saying "I've got this and I've got that" I don't want that. That's not who I am at all. All I want is for people to see me as Kayleigh May and not "Tulisa's daughter" as that's what most people view me as. I don't want people to see as "Tulisa's daughter" as I have my own identity. Which is why, I've brought someone with me today who I'd like everyone to meet so everyone welcome my Mum Tulisa." I explained to everyone.

"Hello you!" She laughed.

"Thank you!" I whispered.

"I'm so proud of you Kayls!" She grinned, as she gave me a massive hug.

"You're all probably wondering what I'm doing here right? Then I'll explain. When Kayleigh first told me what she was planning a few days ago, to be honest I wasn't really that surprised. I've known for a while that she wanted to do something like this. Kayleigh's life isn't easy. Like she said, people think it's cool being my daughter, well to you lot, it might be, but when you've lived with me everyday since you were born and you've had to cope with my career, you'll realise it's not so fun. She's had to cope with quite a lot for a girl who's only nearly eleven years old. I think the only reason she wanted to do this to make people understand just how stressful her life is, because when she needs me, I might not be there for her because of my work commitments, so I think people should be glad that their parents aren't famous. It's not fun, for me or for Kayleigh. We never really get to do things other families take for granted incase we get followed around by the paparazzi. The good things about my fame are the house and the money. Like she said, I could have sent her to a private school but I wanted her to have a normal life and be a normal child. People should think twice after hearing this before asking her what it's like to have a famous parent because as I'm sure you've all realised now, it isn't cool and it's only cool for the money side of things. Kayleigh hasn't bragged about it. She hasn't rubbed it in people's faces and said "I've got this and I've got that" she's not like that. I'm glad she's able to work out who her true friends are and she doesn't have "friends" that use her to get to me. I'd like to finish this off by leaving you all with Kayleigh and thanks for listening guys" My Mum explained.

"Thanks Mum" I smiled.

"You're welcome babe. I'll see you soon OK?" She grinned.

"Bye Mum" I laughed.

"Bye Kayls" She answered.

"Now can you see what it's like being her daughter? Most of the time it isn't cool" I told them all.

Everyone clapped and cheered so I think it went down quite well! Even better, no one mentioned my Mum for the rest of the day. I'm happy with that!

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