Chapter 21

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The next day, Mum took me to school as she had a meeting with my form tutor, who had informed her of my disruptive behaviour. I also had to sit in on the meeting so we could all discuss what the best course of action would be.

"Now then Kayleigh, I'm aware that you've been giving most of your teachers a lot of attitude" My form tutor spoke to me.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Why is that?" She asked me.

"They all stare at me just cause I'm her daughter" I answered, pointing to my Mum.

"I see" She smiled slightly.

"I can't be the only student you've ever had in this school who's got a famous parent, so why am I such a novelty? I went through this at primary school with the teachers and students treating me differently just because of my Mum's job. It got so bad and I was fed up with that so I got my Mum into school and did a speech in assembly. I'm sick of people pointing, staring and whispering! I'm not the only kid who has a famous Mum!" I raged.

"You see, most famous parents put their kids into private school and I didn't want that for Kayleigh. I wanted her to have a normal life regardless of my fame and it just seems that everywhere she goes, she gets trouble off people. I could have put her into private school but like I said, I didn't want that for her. I wanted her to be around other kids, who don't have what she has. She's one of the most level headed kids you'll ever meet. She could be a proper diva but she still says to me "can we go to pizza hut? Can we do this, can we do that?" That's how normal and level headed she is. We went on holiday to Spain a few weeks ago and someone came up to us and asked for a picture and of course, Kayleigh being Kayleigh she went "no we're on holiday, go away" because that's the sort of person she is. She doesn't brag about the things we have or rub it in people's noses because as she's got older, she's learnt to understand and appreciate that other kids may not have what she has" My Mum explained to my form tutor.

"All I want is to be treated like every other student" I added.

"I think you've got the potential to be a great student Kayleigh, but, and I know it's not your fault, it's not you who causes the trouble, but you have to get your temper and your bad attitude under control" She told me sternly.

"I will" I agreed.

"Right well, you need to go back to Science now OK?" She instructed me.

"Yeah, see you Mum" I replied, giving her a hug.

"See you babe" She smiled.

I left the classroom and went up to Science and the teacher asked where I was.

"Where have you been Kayleigh?" She questioned me.

"With my form tutor" I answered.

"OK well sit down then" She told me.

"You OK?" Cameron asked me.

"Yeah, I had a meeting with my Mum and form tutor about my behaviour" I explained.

"I know I said it yesterday but I am sorry" Cameron spoke to me.

"It's fine" I smiled.

"Kayleigh and Cameron stop talking please!" The teacher shouted at us.

"Sorry Miss" I apologised.

"Yeah soz" Cameron repeated.

"Soz?" The teacher questioned him.

"He means sorry" I laughed.

"When did you two get so pally? You hated him the other day" Carly grinned.

"I didn't "hate" him, I just disliked him but we're cool now" I explained.

"Am I talking to myself? Stop talking and listen please!" The teacher snapped at us.

"It's not just me!" I yelled at her.

"Kayleigh May, get here now!" My Mum shouted at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"What are you shouting for? I can hear you down the coridoor! Did you not listen to a word we said?" My Mum scolded me.

"I was only talking, but other people are doing it as well!" I yelled.

"Right come outside for a bit yeah? Is that alright?" She asked my teacher.

"Yeah it's fine" The teacher spoke to her.

"You're so lucky having a Mum like T. My Mum would bite my head off!" Carly grinned.

"Yeah it has it's moments. I guess now people can see where I get my temper from!" I laughed.

"Oi cheeky!" My Mum giggled.

We went outside for some fresh air. We sat on a bench just outside school for a while before going to the shop for two cans of cola. School aren't bothered about us going off the premises to go to the shop or whatever so that's good.

"Kayls, we need to have a chat when we get home and we've got to try and get your temper sorted out. Just cause I was bad at school, it doesn't mean you can do it. I regret being so bad at school and I wish I'd behaved better. I can't exactly tell you off for being bad when I was worse at your age. Like I said, just because I was bad at school, it doesn't give you the right to be naughty as well" She explained.

"I know" I replied.

"What do you say, we stay here for a bit and I'll take you back after?" My Mum suggested.

"Yeah OK" I smiled.

Later on, my Mum took me back into school and I tried my hardest to behave, not for me because I couldn't care less but I'm doing this for my Mum. I want her to have a daughter she's proud of. Trying to behave is easier said than done though when you have teachers who know who you are and they constantly wind you up.

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