Chapter 6

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Tulisa's P.O.V

A week later, I'm back at work. I've got a photo-shoot to do. I had the best week ever with Kayleigh. It was her half-term so we went shopping, went to the cinema, went to pizza hut. In-fact, you name it, we did it! She's back at school this morning and I'm getting ready for my photo-shoot. I'm not in the best mood for things like this today, but it's still money at the end of the day, so I'm not complaining!

End of Tulisa's P.O.V

Kayleigh's P.O.V

I'm at school in English and there's a lad sat behind me making snide little comments. I eventually had enough and said something to him. I'm sick of this now, he does it every week.

"Oh look it's Kayleigh, the cow's daughter. Moo moo" He sneered at me.

"What did you just say?" I questioned him.

"I said oh look it's Kayleigh, the cow's daughter. Moo moo" He repeated.

I stood up and smacked him one in the face, as he fell to the floor, bleeding and cut. He was sent to the school nurse and I was sent to reception to wait for someone to come to school and collect me, who'd more than likely be my gran, as my Mum is probably busy working. Oh well, if he can't handle being hit, he shouldn't start should he? My Mum always taught me that if someone starts on you, you start back but you attack them ten times worse. I'm not really very good at attacking people with words, so I use my fists instead as they've never let me down in the past.

A few hours later, I'm at my gran's house and it's fair to say, she's not best pleased about me being expelled from school. God knows what my Mum will say to me, but he shouldn't have wound me up should he? If people can't handle the fact that someone might retaliate when they've been given a load of rubbish for weeks on end, because this hasn't just happened once or twice. I've had this for weeks, then they shouldn't start on people, should they? My Mum came back from her photo-shoot and as I suspected, she started shouting at me when she took me home.

End of Kayleigh's P.O.V

Tulisa's P.O.V

"Kayleigh what the hell do you think you're playing at? I mean, why attack him like that? Did you have a reason or did you just do it because you thought that, being my daughter, you could get away with it? Well guess what young lady? You aren't getting away with it, I won't let you. There's no TV, DVD player, there's no Internet and no nothing young lady! Now get upstairs, I don't want to see you for now." I shouted at her.

B-b-but Mum" She insisted.

"But nothing! Upstairs now!" I snapped at her.

"I suppose I'm not allowed food either" She smirked at me.

"Don't be so ridiculous, of course you can have your food" I sighed.

"That's good then, I thought you were leaving me to starve" She laughed.

"Which part of go upstairs do you not understand?" I asked her.

"I'm going!" She grumbled.

Kayleigh went upstairs eventually and I sat working out what I was going to do about her behaviour. I do need to speak to her but I can't do that if I'm annoyed at her. I won't tolerate her going round and attacking people, whether she's been provoked or not and I don't really care. All I do know is, she's my daughter so it's my responsibility to keep her on the straight and narrow. I sat thinking for ages, before I got a text off Gareth.

From Gareth:

You OK T? How's Kayleigh?

To Gareth:

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