Chapter 3

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The next day, I'm at school. The teachers hate me at this school. They all just seem to think I "know it all" just because I'm Tulisa's daughter. I have loads of friends and they're all amazing. They don't treat me any differently because of who I am and I like that about them. To them, I'm just any average ten year old girl. I'm currently in English. The teacher's doing the register. He tries to say my surname, which is funny because he can never say it.

"Kayleigh May Constantavlos" He called out.

"It's Conto-stav-los it's not hard" I replied, sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Well, some people might be unable to say your surname properly Kayleigh" He snapped at me.

"Well frigging learn" I muttered.

"What was that?!" He questioned me.

"I said well frigging learn" I repeated.

"Head-teacher's office NOW!" He shouted at me.

"Fine, bye" I smirked.

I walked up to the head-teacher's office. That place is like my second home. I probably spend more time in there than what I do in my lessons. It's not my fault the teachers keep winding me up. They shouldn't wind me up just cause of the fact I am Tulisa's daughter. They wouldn't do it to anyone else. I mean, I never asked to be her daughter, not that I'd change it but I never asked for the life I have. They haven't got a clue what it's like to have a famous Mum. Yeah I'm not going to lie to you, I wouldn't change the money, but I never get any time with her. I only see her once every blue moon and they don't realise how hard that is. Most kids will go home and they'll have their parents there too. Me? I have to go stay at my Gran's if my Mum's working when I finish school for the day, which, let's face it, when is my Mum NOT working? 

I'm sat in the head-teacher's office and I tell them my thoughts about how the teachers shouldn't be winding me up, just because of who I am.

"Look, they shouldn't be winding me up, just because of who I am. I never asked for this life. I never asked for my Mum to be Tulisa, did I? I never asked for any of this life so you try and tell me what on earth gives these stupid teachers the right to wind me up like this? They have NO right cause I'm NO different to any other student in this school! I'm sick of being here and having every teacher think they can treat me like this! It's not my fault my Mother is famous! I'm sick of it!" I shouted at her.

"No you're right Kayleigh, it's not fair. I'll look into it for you if you stay here?" She smiled.

"OK" I replied.

She went to see the teacher to find out why he was treating me like this. I mean, why should he treat me like this just because of who I am? You can't choose your family and I never asked for this life. I'm in a normal school because my Mum didn't want to do the whole famous kids thing and put me in a private school. I guess, sometimes I'm glad she didn't because I'm at a normal school but then other times I wish she did put me in a private school.

The head-teacher came back half an hour later and she spoke to me.

"He said he was sorry and he said he didn't realise you felt this way. He also said he can't treat you like this as it is unfair and he knows you never asked for this life that you have got" She explained.

"Right, so what happens now?" I asked her.

"Well, you can go back to class?" She suggested.

"OK" I sighed.

"Kayleigh?" She called after me.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Don't go back in with that attitude, I've stuck my neck out for you" She told me.

"I know, thank you" I smiled.

I stood up and left her office and then I went back to class. I've managed to get through the rest of the day with no problems and that teacher left me alone. My Mum came to school for me later on and I was sat at home doing my homework. I hate homework. We do enough work at school so why do we have to bring it home as well? My Mum said to me she'd take me out for ice-cream if I did my homework though.

A short while later.

We were sat in pizza hut having pizza and ice-cream. I guess my Mum really meant it when she said she'd take more time off to spend with me. It's been ages since we did anything like this. She never takes me places cause of the paps but luckily, if she doesn't tweet, they don't know we're out, which is a good thing, cause it means I get to spend more time with my Mum. I love the times like this, when she's not working and she's not being people's idol. I love the times it's just me and my Mum.

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