Chapter 7

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A few days later.

I've decided I'm going to stay with my Mum for a while. I want to see if she can stick to her promise and spend time with me. We're currently watching a movie on the sofa and Mum's phone goes off.

"Hello?" She answers.

"It's me Gareth" Gareth answered.

"Oh you alright G?" She asked him.

"Yeah, are you fit for doing an interview tomorrow?" Gareth replied.

"Yeah that's fine, I don't see why not" She told him.

"OK I'll tell them you'll do it then" Gareth responded.

"OK thanks G see you" She spoke to him, before putting the phone down.

"What did he want?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing" She smiled.

"He wanted you to work didn't you?" I sighed.

"Yeah" She mumbled.

"i knew it!" I shouted before running off upstairs.

"Oh come on Kayleigh, don't be like this! I've spent five days with you!" She shouted after me.

"You said you'd spend a week with me!" I yelled at her.

"I've spent more or less a week with you! I never actually said I'd spend a whole week with you, by the way, I said I'd spend the week-end with you! I did spend a whole week with you last week" She screamed back at me.

"Yeah that was cause you had to!" I shouted back at her

"You're so ungrateful! I wish I'd got rid of you sometimes!" she screamed at me in anger.

"Well, we can soon solve that!" I yelled back at her

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"I said to you if you mess up once more, I'm going to live at my Grans house and you have done so yeah" I cried, before running off upstairs.

"In what way have I messed things up, eh? I've spent nearly a week with you. We can't spend every second of every day together, it's not healthy Kayleigh. I understand you want to spend time with me and you have done, quite a lot over the last week and a bit haven't you? I've got a career and I've also got a fan base who want to meet me. I might just be a normal person to you, but to my fan base I'm one of their idols. I know that probably sounds daft to you because you've lived with me your entire life but these people only get to see me every once in a while yeah? I'd let you come with me, but after everything you did at school, letting you come with me tomorrow is sort of like a reward and as you know, I don't reward bad behaviour" She explained to me gently.

"I'm sorry Mum" I cried.

"Listen, I'll always be here for you. I know there's times that you might not always agree with me but I do love you" She admitted.

"Did you mean it when you said you wish you'd got rid of me?" I sniffed.

"No I didn't and I should have said that so I'm sorry" She cried.

"It's fine, it was my fault for being ungrateful" I mentioned.

"I do love you, you know" She admitted to me.

"I love you too Mum" I smiled.

"Right, there's a tub of ice cream in the freezer that needs eating so we can make room for some more" She laughed.

"i thought you said you didn't reward bad behaviour?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah so I'll have to eat it" She grinned.

"That's not fair!" I huffed.

"No I'm joking, you can have it. I can't really punish you forever for you getting expelled from school" She told me.

"So can I have my T.V back?" I asked my Mum cheekily.

"If you behave from now, for a whole week, you can have it back" My Mum stated.

"Thanks Mum" I smiled.

"You're welcome babe" She answered.

"Mum?" I began.

"Kayleigh?" She laughed.

"Where's my Dad? Why do you never talk about him?" I asked her.

"It's complicated Kayls" She replied.

"Why?" I quizzed her.

"He left me" She revealed.

"Seriously?" I asked her, quite shocked he could do that.

"Yeah" She admitted.

"Were you pregnant?" I wondered.

"Yes I was babe" She told me.

"So you were pregnant and he left you?" I asked her.

"Yes Kayleigh" She repeated.

"Can I go see him? I wanna punch his lights out!" I shouted angrily.

"I'll take you to the cemetery in a couple of days" She cried.

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