Chapter 22

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A few days later, it's Saturday and I'm sleeping at Carly's house tonight. My Mum met Carly's parents and they all agreed it was fine for me to sleep there. We're currently in the park with some friends, just messing around, we're not causing any harm or being noisy. Some woman walks past and stares at me, so I decided to say something to her.

"What you staring at?" I questioned her.

"You look like someone" She replied.

"Well, I'm Tulisa's daughter so I will look like her" I replied sarcastically.

"You've got a mouth like her as well" She laughed.

"You what?" I sneered, getting up in her face.

"Woah calm down. I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's a good thing you're like your Mum because at least people won't walk all over you" She explained.

"Suppose" I smiled.

"Look at you getting all defensive" Carly grinned.

"Well, when people talk about my Mum, it's usually bad things they say about her so I've learnt to be defensive" I replied.

"True" Carly agreed.

The woman left us alone and we stayed in the park with Carly's friends for a bit before going to the shop for some sweets, crisps and drinks. Some man asked me for a picture, because I'm Tulisa's daughter.

"Can I have a picture please?" The man asked.

"I'm not being funny mate but what do you want a picture of Kayleigh for? It's not her who's famous" Carly snapped at him.

"OK sorry" The man mumbled.

"Thanks Carly" I smiled.

"It's alright, the dirty perve!" Carly shouted loud enough so he could hear.

"I'm not a pervert. I only asked for a picture!" He insisted.

"Yeah so you can stick it on Facebook? You dirty twat!" Carly yelled.

"Come on, let's get these stuff from the shop, just leave it" I spoke to Carly.

"Yeah you're right" She answered.

We got our things from the shop and as we came out, we heard a loud bang.

"What the hell was that?" I asked Carly.

"I don't know, let's just get out of here" Carly replied.

"Yeah good idea" I agreed.

We started walking down the street and I noticed someone following us.

"Carly, that man's following us" I told her.

"What man?" She questioned me.

"That man who asked for a picture" I responded.

"Where? I can't see him?" She quizzed me.

"He was there, he's probably hiding" I added.

"Let's just carrry on walking and ignore him?" Carly suggested.

"Yeah OK" I nodded in agreement.

So we carried on walking and then, BANG!

A life full of dramaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon