Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry about the length. I know it's not much, but a small update is better than no update.

A couple of months later

Mum's back from America today, I've missed her so much! I went back home with my gran and my Mum was already home. I know I had a go at her on the phone but I've missed her so much. She's my Mum and always will be, no matter what anyone thinks.

"Mum!" I screamed as I ran up to her.

"Hello you!" She laughed.

"I missed you!" I admitted.

"Well, then you'll be pleased to know I have a few days off" She grinned.

"Really?" I asked her.

"What do you say, we have a girly afternoon? Films, food and some time for us?" She suggested.

"Yeah!" I replied excitedly.

"Go get changed then" She giggled.

I ran off upstairs to change into my onesie and then me and Mum had a girly afternoon. We sat and watched films, ate loads of food and just had fun. These are going to be the best few days ever! I started to fall asleep later on so Mum carried me up to bed.

Tulisa's P.O.V

I carried Kayleigh up to bed as she was tired. Then I came downstairs and tidied things away. I'm glad to be able to spend some time with Kayleigh. It's been ages since we had a few days together. I decided to log onto Twitter and Tweet something.

"@officialtulisa: So glad to be able to spend a few days with my Kayleigh! It's gonna be amazing, it's been ages since we spent some time together! Love ya Kayls! x"

Then I tweeted, followed and Re-Tweeted a few people before logging out and watching TV for a bit.  Kayleigh came downstairs later on in the evening so I made us some food. I'm just glad to be back home and spending some time with my daughter. This week will be fun and I'm making sure I take a full week off as well.

End of Tulisa's P.O.V

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