Chapter 16

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A year or so later.

I'm now almost twelve years old and my Mum agreed to pack in her fame for me. She also put my Dad's killer behind bars after telling the police about all the threats he's made towards me and my Mum and what he did to my Dad. I'm starting secondary school in September and to tell you the truth, I'm terrified. It's the summer holidays and we're on holiday in Spain. My Mum's been doing The X Factor for the last two years and she was told they didn't want her back, which suits me just fine!

"Kayleigh you ready for the beach?" My Mum called through the bathroom door.

"Yeah coming now Mum!" I replied excitedly.

I grabbed my towel and things I needed for the beach and we made our way down to the beach. We grabbed some deck chairs and got some ice creams too. We relaxed for a bit before having a water fight in the sea. Someone came over to us when we got out the sea and asked my Mum for a picture.

"Excuse me, please can I have a picture?" The person asked politely.

"No we're on holiday, go away" I replied rudely.

"Kayleigh don't be so rude please. Yes of course you can sweetie" My Mum replied.

"Thank you" The person smiled after the picture.

"You're welcome" My Mum answered, as they ran away.

My Mum waited until they were out of sight and then she turned to face me.

"Did you have to be so rude?" She scolded me.

"I'm sorry but we're on holiday. Other people wouldn't like it if we did it to them!" I snapped at her.

"All she asked for was a picture" My Mum told me.

"Whatever" I mumbled.

"Oh come on Kayleigh don't go all moody" She smiled.

"The next person who comes over and asks for a picture, you say no and you tell them to go away" I ordered her.

"OK" She agreed.

"Good" I replied.

Someone else came and asked for a picture about an hour later.

"Please can I have a picture?" The person asked my Mum.

"No sorry babe, me and my daughter are on holiday and we'd like to relax" She answered.

"OK sorry I understand" They responded.

"There you happy now?" My Mum questioned me.

"Very" I smiled sarcastically.

I decided to go play in the sea for a bit cause my Mum just wanted to sunbathe. I stayed in the sea for about half an hour and then went to dry off again. We stayed at the beach for another few hours before we decided to head back to the villa and get ready for our meal tonight. This has been the best holiday ever and we still have another week left yet!

"Kayleigh, do you want a shower or something to wash all the sand off you?"  My Mum called over to me.

"I'll get a bath and you can get a shower" I replied.

"OK then babe" She told me.

I got in the bath and washed myself and my hair as it had sand in it. I got out and then got dried and dressed and my Mum did my hair afterwards. We're going to a restaurant just in the centre. My Mum obviously can't go clubbing as I'm not old enough and I think she hates that but I guess when you have a kid you have to make sacrifices.

A few hours later.

We had the best time ever and we're now back in the villa. It's 11:00pm and I'm tired so I decided to go to bed. I said night to my Mum and went off to bed. My Mum went to bed just after me cause I heard her go to her room.

The next morning, we decided to stay in the villa as it was raining. I didn't think it rained in Spain but obviously it does. We relaxed in the villa and it brightened up in the afternoon so we went for a walk. We didn't go to the beach as obviously, the sand will be wet.

"Mum, can we go in that shop? They sell Spanish sweets" I asked her.

"Come on then!" She laughed.

"Yay!" I replied excitedly.

"You're funny you are" She giggled.

"I get that from you" I smiled.

"You do" She agreed.

"Can I have these Mum?" I asked, holding up a purple packet.

"Yeah course" She answered.

"Thanks" I grinned.

"You're welcome" She replied.

We payed for the sweets and we carried on walking around, before it started raining really heavily.

"Mum can we go back? Walking around is no fun in this weather" I groaned.

"Yeah come on" She agreed.

We went back to the villa and we decided to play scrabble for the rest of the afternoon. My Mum was being naughty and making rude words on the scrabble board. 

"Mum stop it!" I giggled.

"Stop what?" She questioned me.

"Making rude words" I laughed.

"I'm not" She insisted.

"Oh so what's "fuck, cum, dick and fanny" then?" I replied.

"Erm... words?" She burst out laughing.

"You're rude!" I grinned.

"Oh well, it's about time you learned words like this" She insisted.

We finished playing our game of scrabble and then we got some food. I fell asleep not long after as I was tired. My Mum put me into bed and pulled the covers over me. She left the room and left the door open a bit for me. I woke up in the night to get a glass of water before going back to bed and settling back down to sleep.

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