Chapter 8 - full chapter.

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"He- he-he's dead?" I cried.

"Yeah, he died when I was about five or six months pregnant with you" My Mum admitted.

"How? Or don't you want to tell me?" I asked her.

"No it's fine Kayls, you've got a right to know about him, he was your Dad after all. I knew this day would come around soon" She sniffed.

"So what happened?" I questioned.

"Basically, we were going to get married and everything, I loved him very much. He'd have loved you too and I feel awful that he never got the chance to meet his daughter. We were out in town one day and he was stabbed in a random attack. He died almost straight away" My Mum cried.

"Did you know what you were having?" I asked my Mum quietly.

"Yeah, we knew we had a little girl" She told me, as she dried her eyes.

"I'm sorry for being a cow to you all this time Mum" I sobbed in my hands.

"It's alright babe. I knew you'd ask one day and I couldn't lie to you" She admitted.

"Can we go see his grave?" I asked my Mum as I dried my eyes.

"We'll go in a couple of days babe, I have that interview to do tomorrow remember?" I reminded her.

"Can I come with you for that? Please? I know you said about rewarding bad behaviour but I want to see what you do when you go to work?" I wondered.

"We'll see babe yeah?" She answered.

"OK Mum" I smiled.

The next day

My Mum had to go back to work and she said I could go with her, but that I had to stay close to her at all times. She's doing an interview on some T.V show. She's sat in her dressing room getting ready for the interview and I was playing with the apps on her phone.

"Kayleigh, what are you doing on my phone?" She asked me.

"Just playing with your apps Mum" I replied.

"OK as long as you're not messing about texting anyone back!" She laughed.

"I don't even know how to do that so I can't really do it" I answered.

"Isn't she supposed to be at school?" The make-up artist asked me.

"Yeah but she's been expelled, so I'm looking at trying to get her back into school" I explained.

"Oh I see" The make-up artist answered.

A short while later, my Mum was called onto the studio set and I watched it from her dressing room. They were asking her questions about me, but she didn't really say much about me and she asked them to talk about her work life instead. I've only ever seen my Mum when she's at home so for me to see what she's like at work, it's completely different. She's calm and it's not my Mum I'm used to seeing at home, it's strange.

My Mum came off the set and she took the dress and shoes off. We set off back home and all the paps tried taking photo's of me so Mum had to cover my head. They kept trying and trying to take photo's of me until my Mum snapped at them.

"I keep telling you time and time again, do NOT take photo's of my daughter! I don't mind you taking photo's of me because this is the life that I've set out for myself but I've battled so hard to try and keep my daughter out of the public eye and if I find out you've tried to sell any of the photo's you've taken of my daughter, I WILL be suing the lot of you!" She warned them all.

We went back to the car and made our way back home. Gareth was supposed to come with us too but he had a family emergency or something, so he couldn't make it. We went to the petrol station to fill the car up as well before we went home. 

When we got home, I sat watching a DVD whilst my Mum was on the phone to school to try and get me back to school. I've had enough of being off school and I'm pretty sure my Mum's had enough of having me around the house. My Mum came off the phone and sat down to speak to me.

"Kayls, I've just come off the phone to school and they said, they don't want you back there as you're a danger to other students" I explained to her.

"How am I a danger to other people? I only smacked one kid cause he asked for it!" I shouted.

"We need to find another school for you" She sighed.

"What's the point putting me in another primary school just for a year?" I asked her.

"If I keep you off school for a year, I can get into trouble with the police and stuff" I told her.

"Can't you just explain to them, I've been expelled from my school and there's no point putting me in another primary school for a year?" I questioned her.

"I can see what you're saying, but I can't risk getting into trouble" I replied.

"You can get someone to come and home school me for a year? They can't complain about that can they cause at least I'm still learning things?" I spoke to her.

"You've got an answer for everything, you have madam!" She laughed.

"I wonder where I get that from?" I grinned.

"Not me, that's for sure!" She grinned.

"Yeah, yeah, you'll tell me anything you will!" I giggled.

"Oi cheeky! I don't know what you mean" She insisted.

"Of course not" I answered.

"Anyway, cheeky do you want some food?" She asked me,

"Yeah please" I responded.

"I'd better go make you some then, hadn't I?" She added.

"Yeah" I spoke to her.

She made me a chicken sandwich and then we decided to go to Tesco later on in the afternoon to get some sweets, crisps and a few DVD's. We decided we were going to have a girly night, just the two of us and it's going to be amazing!

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