CHAPTER 5: Metro Station

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AN: here we go again. XD
---------------------------------------------- **Saras pov **

We get to the shark stage,
It seemed Stacy was nervous because of the fact that were going to have to push through a lot of sweaty and hot and dirty people just to try and attempt to get to the front of the stage. But i just brush it off.
"Follow me. And try to stay close, some people wont move for you or I if we get separated."
It was a big crowd of fans for the band that were playing before Metro. So this was going to be hard.
I counted to three, and once I got to three we both ran in at full speed.
"We're in!" I say excitedly.
"But not to the front!" She replied.
As she did, she grabbed my lanyard and pulled me farther to the front of the stage.
But we weren't to the front quite yet.
"Were stuck! This lady won't let us through. " I say annoyed. It was a short, chubby lady. Who looked as if in her 40's. She kept elbowing me whenever I tried to push past her.
I point down to Stacy, as if telling her to crouch and think of a plan.
We crouch down. It was amazing, apart from dirt flying everywhere and it being hard to breath. It was really cool. It sounded like you were underwater.
As we're crouching, I see a hole to where we can crawl past the rude old lady.
We start crawling and the lady kicks me!! And it hurt!
I got mad.. And.. Ahehe.... Kinda clawed her with my nails... And.. There might have been slight blood...
Because I did that, I shouted loud enough for Stacy to hear, "RUN.. OR WAIT. CRAWL!!!!" We crawled as fast as we can all the way to the fence at the front of the stage. We then stood up!
"We made it! " Stacy shouted,
"Jump and sing and act like we've been here for a while. "
I didn't want Stacy to know I clawed a witch.
Somehow the witch knew I was the one that did it. And she hit me!
I don't know what got into me. But. I turned around really fast and I socked her square in the jaw.
As we started fighting I heard a distant, "MOSH PIT!!" And everyone started throwing punches.
I ended up kicking her in the croch. "Oh. Sorry. I kicked you in the dick!"
She kinda like. Fell. And them she left. ----------------------------------------------
**Stacys pov**

Oh my gosh!! Sara started a mosh!!!!
Welp. Better join.
I then jumped in, it was hard to see, I was only able to see dirt and dust, and a lot of random people.
But thats not the point
I hit a lot of people, kicked, knocked some people out. And I was really good at dodging, I only got punched like; once in the nose, and a few times in the chest/ shoulder.
The band ended, and the mosh was over. Once the dust lowered, I finally saw Sara, she had a bruise on the shoulder, but thats it.
"That was cool" we both said at the same time.
Metro started getting ready, and we were at the front of the stage!!
Once Metro Station came out, they asked how we were doing, and of course everyone screamed.
But Sara and I were the only ones that yelled, "GOOD. HOW ARE YOU?!" And I cant believe it. They heard us!!!! And they looked at Sara and I and said, "were doing pretty good! Thanks for asking! Say, whats your name?"
Sara was freaking out, and really, so was I!
I said my name first, then Sara said hers.
They replied with, "Well hello, Stacy and Sara!! We're Metro Station!! And i hope we see each other later today!! They then started the song, Shake It. I cant believe that they talked us!! Im so happy! Todays amazing!!!!!

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