CHAPTER 13: Self Hate

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**saras pov**

I had awoken to Ronnie carrying me in like wedding/craydle position down his stairs.
I looked at him and he was smiling at me with his sparkling and big dark brown eyes, they sparkled with passion, lust, and such life as he stared into my dark black stupid, nasty, lifeless ones. And i just woke up so I must look like a disgusting mutt.

"Morning beautiful." He said still staring at me.

"No. " i rolled my eyes and gave him a sarcastic look.

"Ouch" he retorted back.

Man. His shirts dont lie. Ronnie Radke IS an asshole. Cx
We were down the stairs and then he put me down,
And of course because my limp body sucks genticle
(metiphorically, shut up all you 9 yearolds and be mature. Im being sarcastic. Sorry, im rude, and btw im not really sorry cx)
I felt really faint and weak and i felt my body starting to collasp, I knew i was going to start falling to the ground.
But right before I did, Ronnie caught me,

"Oh gosh! Are you okay?!" He sounded really worried, his voice cracked too cx.

"Yea.. Its just my stupid body being stupid. " i reasured.

"Your body issnt stupid, its beautiful and lovely!" He says as he spins me.

I rolled my eyes again, and didnt say anything.
I really really hate compliments, i take every single one as just another dumb pityfull lie, which is ironic because when i commplemt someone, i mean it.

Ronnie shot me another worried look.
He was asking me whats wrong, and I just sighed as responce.

He put me down again, but this time he had my arm around his shoulder and his arm warped around my waist.

He walked me to his car, "you ready to have me take me home?"

I hate. Hate. HATE. Having to answer questions. It gives me the worse anxiety ever. It makes me want to run away and cry. And crying in front of someone gives me more anxiety. I hate it. And when I constantly dont answer questions i get yelled at. And i get tolled i do have an answer but im just being spoilled and say i dont want to answer, when i ACTUALLY DO NOT HAVE AN ANSWER. ( oops  im sorry... Kinda vented to you all about what happened to me earlier today ;-;)

"I-i-i u-um do-" i started to say. But he interupted me.

"Its okay if you cant answer, stay for a while until you get an answer, if you do" he winked.

Wow? He doesnt care that i didnt know what i wanted to do? No ones ever done that.

We walked inside and he sat me on the sofa. We just hung out. Talking, he kept complimenting me and i kept denying them.

But then...
(Cliff hanger i guess. This was suppose to be a 400, but i did 800. And so i halfed it and so this issnt an interesting cliff hanger)

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