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(Mad cause i keep leaving sucky cliff hangers? :3)

**saras pov**

I kept feeling a pounding in my chest.
But i didnt wanna wake up..
Im such a failure..
I failed cutting..
Failed Warped Tour..
Failed living..
Failed Stacy..

It was so peaceful..
Apart from the pain.

The pain got really agonizing, I really wanted to know what it was..
My chest started to hurt more, I was really suffocating!!!
I tried to grasp for air, but it felt like my throat had collasped.

I the pounding went away, and then i got air, but then i lost the air and the pounding cane back...
The pattern stayed like that for atleast half an hour, (one min)

My vision started to clear..

I woke immediatly sitting up gasping for the little air i could get..

Ronnie leaned over my crying..
He forced out a, "you were dead.. For a minuet.. I thought i lost you.." Stuttering at every word...

I just hugged him, i didnt want to see him cry...
But now..
Ive even failed death..

I didnt say a word, i just hugged him.

I felt like cutting,
I felt terrible.
But im not going to fail my promise..
Not this time..

'So it was CPR that saved me..' I thought to myself, every word scaring me..
Just the thought of me actually dead for a minuet stung..

I broke the silence, "Ronni-"

He broke my sentence, he pressed his soft big lips to my bloody scarred ones,

"Im sorry... I love you, Sara..." He sobbed.

**Ronnies pov***?

Sara and I were cuddling,
And she drifted to sleep..

She started to twitch and i felt obliged to confort her, so i started to kiss her forehead and rub her little pointy spine,
Shes so small..
So innocent..
So cute..

She calmed down at first, but then she started to frown and panick,
She tried to hit me!
Shes really panicking!

What do I do?

All i could think of was pin her arms down,
So I did.
And i had one leg lightly on her stomach, the other on my upper legs preventing her from kicking me.

Eventually she calmed down once more.
But too calm.

She got silent..
Her stomach stopped moving..

I went to feel her pulse, and it was slowing down at a dangerous rate..

Shes not breathing!!!

I immediately started to preform CPR,
Blowing air into her mouth and pressing her chest,
I checked her pulse once more, and...

It was gone..

Tears began streaming down my cheeks, I felt so desperate.

I kept doing CPR, every second I felt more helpless..

A minute went by and I was exhausted, my head felt light headed and my hands were sore.

I let my head fall to her stomach, and as it did i felt her stomach start to move,
It was going up and down hastily.

She immediately sat up, wheazing for air.

Right there I realised..

What i felt for her..

Before, it was like a childish crush..

But now, i realised that it was a burning passion i had,
'I want to be the one to keep her happy. I want to be the one to save her life. I want to be the one to trail kisses down her neck when shes sad. I want to be the one she sees in the morning and at night. I want to be the one she will always love back..'

I was so happy, i had to say it,
"Im sorry... I love you, Sara.."

(C: she 'well.. Me' lived!!!! And Ronnie is accumulating feelings for me? U wot m8? Cx)

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