CHAPTER 15: (dont think i have anymore chapter tittles cx )

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(I am sorry im not really naming the chapters anymore!!! I cant think of ideas that would not give away what happens in the story!!! !
Anyway. Here we go. ) (i hope you enjoy, i was calming for me to write)

**saras pov**

We stayed like this for like- hours..
Just cluddling, no tv. No music. Nothing. My tears were gone, I was just sniffling now,
And he was just holding me, one arm around my waist like usual, and the other running his fingers through my long, blue hair.

We didnt talk, the room was silent, and i had my arms wrapped around his warm stomach, one hand was layed onto his chest.
It was warm..
I felt safe, even from myself..
I started to fall asleep in his arms. And i guess he carried me to his room, and untangled our bodies and placed me gently into his bed and under the covers.
He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

Later he walked back into his room, only in boxers, and crawled into bed.
I kinda immediatly turned and wraped my arms onto his smooth, skinny sides. Once again burrying my small face into his big chest.

I fell asleep imediatly. I guess my insomnia was gone for a day.

I dreamt about warped tour.

Stacy. I saw her.
We were walking around holding hands. Getting dirty looks left and right. Her having to calm me down as i snarled and growled and kinda.. Barked.. At them.
She really helped calming me down.
I dont want to hurt her. So i force to calm. And it somehow works.. Somewhat..
My anger was building up everytime i forced myself to calm.

No no no no.
Please no!

The scene changed and now it was when we were all hanging out at the FIR bus.
PTV and FIR with us.
It was when Ronnie started to cuddle with me.
I can see her glaring at us.
And then i can see Jaime.. He was staring at Stacy..
He had lust. Concern. And... I couldnt tell what the last thing was.

(Woooo suspense!!!
XD im laying on the floor, even though theres a bed next to me. Oh whale!!! I need my ipod to charge and yhe outlit was far away!!! XD so be happy. Im sleeping on the floor with only a pillow for you all!
So you all better feel loved. XD CX C: hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Stay gay! ⚧⚦⚥⚤⚣⚢<3)

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