The end.

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(Okay, uhh, this story didnt play out as i had hoped, my jealousy for Edan's love with Jaime in her story ((cracked sinister )) got the best of me... And i wanted revenge, and that completely ruined my story, so im sorry for my stupid jealousy)

**saras pov**

He... He loved me...?

I didnt speak for the rest of the night..


The next day i was mute for the most part, if he left hed keep saying, " love you," and id just reply with a sad smile..

I thought i loved him.. But when he said it.. I realised i didnt love him,
I truly loved Stacy..

Later that day i was skating, trying to clear my mind, and i passed a cute, small mcdonnalds, and i glanced in.. And i-i...

I saw Stacy..!

I immediately ran to the doors of the restaurant, and then when i stepped into the room, i saw...

He was kissing Stacy...
He looked at me dead in the eye.
When they stopped kissing, Stacy turned around to see what he was staring at..
I saw her smile fade at the sight of me.

I died my hair black, cut it all off, so now its an emo guy short style, my eyes/eye sockets were darker as ever,
I was wearing all black, and there was a red/purple rope like bruise on my neck...

I finally failed my promise...
I cut only thin atleast,
But what was worse was that i tried ti hang myself, but he found me in time and cut the rope...
I had a bad bruise because of it..

Now, i failed suicide..

She stared at me in shock..

She looked as beautiful as ever,
She seemed hapoy before I ran in too..

She mumbled, 'im sorry... You left me.. And ive moved on..'
A few words studdered and slurred..

I stormed up to Jaime.
I was pissed.

I grabbed Jaime by the throat, lifting him with one hand, my claws slightly digging into his skin,

"you little f*****g piece of s**t. I left because of the cops.
You were F*****g thinking of f*****g sex while staring at Stacy.
That's disgusting. You inconsiderate piece of crap.
Youre gosh d**n lucky im not going ti snap you in half. "
I was furious.

He scratched at my hand trying to release of my grip.
It didnt phase me,
"youre lucky that Stacy cares about you or else youd be dead.
You better take care of her, or else.
She deserves so much better than a self centred loser like you.
And i thought i was horrible. "

I had my other fist pushing back Stacy,
She tried to kick me, but it still didnt phase me.

I let go of her, and punched him square into the jaw, kicked his rib as hard as i could, shattering a few bones.
He fell to the ground, grabbing his throat and ribs,

I didnt care.
I had no sympathy..

The cops came and arrested me,
I was sentenced to 20 years prison,
Ronnie tried to get me out, but i didnt let him.
All i asked for was a piece of paper and a pen..

He snuck it to me, and i knew what i had to do..

In the middle of the night, i pulled out my pen and paper..

I wrote, 'i failed at everything... Girlfriend.. My role model.. My promises, my suicide attempts, my eating, my family, my death, my self harm, everything..
But this time. Im not going to fail..'
My writing got shaky, 'im not gonna let myself fail this time.. I have to.. If i dont, Jaime Preciado would be dead.. I cant wait to kill him till the end of time... In hell. Please tell Ronnie Radke, that im sorry, i tried to love you,
Tell Edan, ive always loved you, and finally
Tell jaime, ill wait for you in hell. '

After that, I vertically slit my wrists with the pen, giving myself ink poisoning, and then i stabbed my throat with the pen, shattering the glass, making the ink bleed into my throat.

I died smiling,

For ive removed a burden from this cruel world.

(Im sorry this ended so sadly,
Im starting a new story,
Itl be the better Stacy, (Edan) x me thing,
I hope this was a good story for you all,
Im depressed now, ;-;)

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