CHAPTER 12: sweet sweet revenge.

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**saras pov** i kept skating and skating until i hit a rock and tumbled into the dirt,
I got some bruises and cuts onto my arms and knees because of it,
I didnt stand up, i just started laughing.

Eventually a security guard walked up to me and he tried to see whats wrong,
But then he saw my board and he got serious.
"Do you know that skate boards arent aloud on warped tour premisses!!?"
I just chuckled while wiping the blood off my lip,
"Miss, im going to have to check your bag for any other items."

I stayed silent and grinned when handing him the bag,
I can tell he was intimitaded by me..

He pulled out my phone, then jacket, then food, and then he finally found a dagger, and a small pocket knife.

"M'am, what are these doing with your stuff?"
I looked at him dead in the eye, "This world. You see. Its a crappy place, every single second: a girl or boy is raped, an animal is abused, a store or house is robbed.."
Now the security was sweating from my glare and my intimate voice, but i continued, enjoying every minuet of his fear, " and sometimes you never know when you have to defend yourself.. Even if its with an armed weapon.. And by that time the hours turn into minuets - the days into weeks."

He tried to hide his fear, but he studdered, "w-who are you..?"

It was hard to hold in the laugh, "Im simply a girl, with a psycotic subconcious demon, and a fun death wish."
I grabbed my board and phone and bag and I had started running, whem he realised I started to run he got up and ran after me.

Eventually he got to me and he tackled me to the ground with a loud thud.
He then put handcuffs onto me and dirrected me to the nearest police station.


When he sat me down he backed away quickly still afraid of me doing something.

Im not crazy.
I know exactly what im doing.

I looked around to see my surroundings, and i looked at the camera in the top right and left corner,
And i started to laugh hysterically.

I craned my neck at the front desk lady, and i started to speak Swedish but in a deep voice so it sounded like latin,
" Var inte rädd. Jag är bara din värsta mardröm..." I cackled and continued, " Var inte rädd , du är bara en okunnig polis.."
After i saw her hide into an office i quickle shifted my hands under my feet so my hands are infront of me and i can see what im doing to get out of these cuffs.

I finally unlocked them and i rubbed my read wrists,
A cop walked out to the room i was in and he said inwas released, but im going to have to go to court,
He then asked for my name, "Madye Perez. " madye was a girl i hate, and now since they think that Madye Perez has to go to court and she doesnt, shell get fined like $2,000 dollars.. You can buy like 2 sleeves of tatts and a lot of piercings for $2,000!!! Id rather not waste it on court.

I walked outside to see who got me out, and it was Ronnie,
I smiled when I saw him, but then frowned when I saw the flesh wound had scarred a little..
I really missed Stacy.. But shes probably having a great hunnymoon with that rövhål, Jaime.

(Im being sarcastic by the hunnymoon)

I gave Ronnie a hug and he kissed my cheek, my face felt pink after that.

"So how did you know I was here?"

"Sara, I saw you run from a cop. "
He chuckled while saying that.

We got into his car and he started to drive.

"I know how to trick cops, and dont worry about my fine, or the court. I handled that,"
I grinned.

"How so?" Was he really curious?

"First: intimadate the cop, if hes scared then hes no harm.
Second: test and fear, you have to test the fears of other surroumding cops, for instance, i made myself appear to be possessed by satan, that made the front dest lady leave the room, which gave me time to undo the cuffs.
Third: credit, court is boring. So why not show up? Youd think youd get fined for not obeying the law. But they would go after the person you say you were, which means that you can just say your someone else, and theyll take the blame. "

He nodded as if impressed, "cool."

We finally arrived to his house.. I guess it is.
I get our of the car to see a big, 2 story mansion, with a big front yard and fountain.

He had a nice house. I was kinda speechless.

He grabbed my hand and started to pull me softly to the front door.

"I hope you wont try and walk home, its geting dark, so why not spend the night here, and ill take you home tomorrow morning?"

"I-i-i uh.. Oka-ay?" I managed to say.

We walked inside and he hugged be again by the waiste, i flintched, and he giggled.

"S-sorry, im not use to psychical contact.."

"Its okay." He paused, smiled and then continued, "would you like dinner?"


He was feeling my sharp spine that pokes out of my back near my neck and shoulder blades, it felt good tbh, o was always sore right there.

We ate dinner, and then he broke the silence,
"I only have one bed, and the sofa is hard, so you can bunk with me if you want."

Wow. Smooth Ronnie, Smooth.

"I mean i guess." I sarcastically said,
He picked my up by my legs and started to carry me to his room, i hit his shoulder playfully and laughed as he ran.

He then gave me one of his really big shirts, it was black, soft, and it had a strong smell of him.
I went to put it on, and put on some fuzzy knee long shorts, i dont wear short shorts for oblivious reasons.
The shirt went to my knees, but it was warm and soft. So i didnt care.

I walked out and saw him shirtless and in joggers, he patted the bed on the side he wasnt on.

I cant believe that i get to see Ronnie freaking Radke's tattood chest: he was tan, and muscular, and he had one heck of a V line.

I laughed and got into bed,
He kissed my cheek again and my face flushed with a bright color red.
I pulled the covers over my head from embarressment, and he put his arm onto my waiste as he turned on the tv and Nightmare Before Christmas was on, i immediatly remover the covers from off my face and we watched the movie, i sung every word of all the song in the movie.

I actually was tired after like a week of no sleep, so i passed out on my side facing him, his hand still on my hip.

(I got voted my soneone that wasnt Stacys friend, so yay, and vote and comment if you want, i made a deal with my friend for when it comes to when i updated)

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