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**saras pov**

I grabbed the helpful strangers hand as I pulled him along to where I left Stacy.
I kept muttering  jälva under my breath, and I'm pretty sure he was confused of my doing so.
He hurried right behind me, and It seemed like miles, but we finally arrived to Stacys aid.

He ran into the bus, and as he did, I sat beside Stacy.. She had stopped kicking, but she was still some what frowning, and he was twitching.
I just sat there, holding onto her hand. I honestly felt helpless, all I could do was hold onto her hand.
My vision had cleared and the Mexican had ran out with a small glass of water,
I finally realised who I dragged over here to help me....
It was Jaime!!!
He saw my expression, but he still kept a semi-serious expression.
"What?" He said sarcastically, "you didn't realise who I was before you started pulling me over here?"
I rolled my eyes, "just, can't you please help her? I think she's having a seizure or a nightmare of some sort," I replied in a panicky pace.

He walked up to her sleeping body, and looked at the glass of water, he then took a sip, and smirked, finally he poured the water slightly onto Stacy's neck and forehead.

**Stacys pov**

I felt lost....
All around me was darkness,
It was really comforting, but I didn't like it,
I felt in danger,
But then my hearing started to come back,
And I heard a faint, "Jälva,"
I don't know what language that was...
But then I felt safe, all my worries flushed away, and I felt warmth hold onto my hand,
I want completely sure what's going on, but I started to feel trickles of water go down my neck..
And then my forehead.
My vision started coming to, and my hearing was back,
My whole body feels heavy, like I'm being pushed down..
I started to open my eyes, and I groggily scanned my surroundings,
I first saw Sara, she had a really worried expression on her face, and she was wiping my tear stained cheeks softly with her palms,
She noticed me looking at her, and she grew a really big smile,
I felt like I was being pushed, and when my mind processed what happened, I felt warmth over my body,
Sara was hugging me?!
One hand was wrapped around my waist and the other was tangled into my hair, it felt calming,

I started to smile and I looked around to see where we were,
I saw the tour busses, it was FIR bus,
And I realised that someone was looking at us, I found the person, and I couldn't believe what I saw,
He grinned and replied, "why yes, your friend found me and pulled me over here to help you.. Are you okay?"
Man, his voice was amazing.
It was hard to speak, I was so surprised and happy, but I managed to get words past my gritting teeth,
"I-i-I... I think I-I'm g-good.."
I felt so awkward, and my cheeks were flushed,
I was really embarrassed.

Sara finally let go of me, and I stood up,
Still start struck,
He laughed and then I guess he heard someone say something, I saw him turn over and look, my eyes were still tired, but I squinted to see who it was, and

I saw the rest of PTV walk over to us,
I nearly lost my ballance, I just cant believe that PTV is walking iver to us!
Tony ran up to Jaime and i heard his beautiful voice speak, "yo! Are you alright? We tried calling you, but you didnt answer it."

"Oh, yah, sorry I forgot my phone was on silence,"
By now the rest of the band showed up and they just started to chill with us!!
I literally cant believe how amazing it is to have your favorite band just sit and hang out with you as if you all had known eacother for weeks,

**saras pov**

Its really cool to see Stacy so happy,
This band must mean the world to her like FIR is to me..
Im just day dreaming and idoly staring at Stacy, and then I felt a warm hand go onto my sholder,
I go to see who it is, and It was Ronnie!
I just smiled and glanced behind him to see Ryan and the ither trailing behind him.
Ronnie sat on the sofa we were all on (it was a big sofa)
And he put his arms around my sholders,
My pale cheeks immediatly went a rose red,
I cant believe my second favorite person had his arms around me!!!
I wanted to freak out,
But i kept it inside,
Ryan and the others just sat in random spots,
And we were all joking around having a great time!
By then somehow Ronnie and I started to cuddle, I didnt even realise until I scanned my view over to Stacy.
She was glaring at Ronnie,
I dont know for sure, but it seemed like she was glaring at Ronnie right in the eyes,
Did he notice?
Ronnie was sitting with his legs apart (thats not weird or innapropriate, guys sit like that) and my legs were over his, and our arms were wraped around eacother.
I still dont know what he was looking at, but it made her pissed.
I felt bad, because i care a lot about her, she means the world to me, and i would be fine to stop cuddling him,
But i dont think she realises how much this means to me, and that ive always dreamed about this moment all my life,
I brushed off my anxiety and i focused on everyones conversations,
But every time i looked towards Stacy I noticed she was glaring us, mostly Ronnie,
She was gritting her teeth aswell.
But then i noticed Jaime, he had an expression of concern and lust and he jept staring at Stacy.
What is he thinking...?

Stacy broke my thought my standing up and shouting, "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!" And she....

(MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER!!!! And im serious, if you want me to update, i need atleast 1 person thats NOT stacy to say that they want me to update, i need motivation ;0; )

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