CHAPTER 11: drama (メ`ロ')/

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**stacys pov**

I was going to break my teeth if i didnt do anything. "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" I shouted as i stood up,
As i did, so did Jaime...

She stood over me and Ronnie, tears in her eyes:
I wanted to bawl my eyes out, but i kept it in.
I looked at Sara before i ran off, she had pain and guilt, and she was as pale as possible..
I felt bad, but i was really mad, and hurt.. And i had to burn some steam.

I ran..
I just kept running and running, passing bus after bus,
And eventually i hit as far as i can go,
The fence had stopped me from running off into the desert.
I fell to my knees just before i slammed into the fence.

I didnt know what to do,
And my hed fell to my hands, and before i knew it. I was sobbing, i finally got off my knees and sat on my bum, my hands wrapped around my knees and my head into my forearms.
I was there alone for what seemed like hours.

But then i felt the fence move, i had first ignored it, but then whoever ot was kissed my forehead.

I looked up to see Jaime staring at me, he had a weird expression in his face, it was hard to see because my vision was so blurry,
He sat next to me, rubbing my back.
It felt really calming, but then he attempted to grab my hand, and i swiped it away, that made me mad that he just tried to grab my hand,
But then i thought about Sara.. She seemed so happy with him. I really hate him.

But Sara seemed so happy.

Does she have feelings for him?

Did she mean it when she kissed me?
It felt so passionate..

I felt weak, and dizzy...
I fell into Jaimes arms, he had also pulled me close,

All i did was cry into his chest,  he ran his fingers through my hair, and it made me cry harder because Sara did that when i passed out when she tried to calm me.

I looked up at Jaime, he was just staring into the distance,
He kissed my head again, and he was just mumbling, i couldnt understand everything he said.. But i understood some.
" really sorry.... ... ..i hated seeing you so.... sad..."

He smiled/smirked, "youre too good for Sara anyway..
Your beautiful, shes not, youre funny, shes rude, youre loving, she likes Ronnie Radke," that made him chuckle a little.
I tried to find what he was looking at,
And then i saw...

A buff, thick black haired guy walking over to us..
It looked like he had a smirk on his face, but when he got closer i saw it was a really worried and sad expression.?

Did he feel guilty for what he did?

I stood up and clenched my fist. I really wanted to punch him. Even though he was like twice my size, i was so ready to kill him with a step stool.

"Stop. " i stammered, "dont get any closer or else im gonna hit you."

He obeyed my demand and stood in place, he ran his fingers through his dark hair.
"Stacy, im sorry.. I know I shouldent have done that, but when I met Sara on stage, I can see how much she cares about me and my band.
I dont know if you were listening , but me and my band saved her life. And you just met her, so you dont even really know her. "

That sounded really rude. And it didnt help my hate for him. It made it worse.

I was furious with him,
I stood up and grabbed an item out of my shoe,
And i stomped to Ronnie, grabbing his shirt and flipping open a pocket knife and held it to his throat, slightly pressing until i saw small dots of blood.

I was so ready to kill him.

**saras pov**
I was still on the sofa with Ronnie, i was crying into his shoulder, i really needed someone to cry into and be with so i didnt cut, and i remember promissing to myself that once i meet Ronnie, that id never cut again..
(I actually made that promise, i just need to meet him now) and i really didnt wanna break that promise.
But he just had his arms around me, thats all.
"I-im sorry..." Ronnie said and broke the silence, his deep and slightly raspy voice was so calming.. And stern at the same time.

"Why are you sorry? I dont hink you have anything to be sorry for.. Sara clearly was happy," Ryan chimed in.

"Yea, maybe, but Stacy clearly loves Sara. And so clearly seeing that would hurt her,"  Tony added.

They were actually talking about what happened.


Ronnie picked up my limp body, and he handed me to Ryan,
Ryan put his arms around my sholders and body, he cradled me kinda, allowing me to put my head onto his chest.
Ronnie started to walk away, towards the direction that Stacy and Jaime ran to.
My mind was full of different thoughts,
The only one i could comcentrate on was of Ryan and i.
Ryan still had his equally pale and really skinny arms around me,
Even though he is so skinny and small, he still kept me warm with his body heat.

Oh no.

Not again.

Please no.

My mind was blank, i felt alone,
All i could think of was my subconcious..

Whenever i get sador mad, for a certain amount of time,
I turn to my subconcious..
Its psycho.
And i can never control it..
(I may sound crazy.. But im actually like that, its not fun to make me sad or mad.. I turn evil or like a demon, and its mot fun.. /)-(\ )

I started to laugh, and i had a big dark grin on my face,
I sounded and looked like a mad man.
My eyes were really dark, pitch pitch black..
I stood up, and all the guys were silent..

Were they afraid..?
I wouldnt blame them...
I wanted to scream for someone to help me.. But i cant..

I started to walk toward where Ronnie went,
I wanted to turn around, I really didnt want to see Stacy..
I felt so bad..
But i couldnt move, and the grin never faded..

I finally got to where Stacy and Ronnie amd Jaime was..

And  I couldnt believe what i saw..

I saw Stacy with a small Dagger held up to Ronnies kneck..!
I snapped out of my Subconcious's grip. And i felt weak for a moment.. I needed a few seconds to catch my breath,

As i wheazed i heard Stacy Stammer, " Im so ready to kill you."
That made my heart sink.
All i could do was run as fast as i could to Stacy and i tackled her from the waiste..

I didnt tackle her to the ground because I still care about her a lot and I didnt want to hurt her..

The dagger fell to the ground and Ronnie immediatly grabbed his kneck.


No answer.

I shook her, she just lifelessly stared at me.

She didnt reply.

I felt limp.. Again..

All i could do was kiss her,  i used up all my energy with that.
My head fell to her shoulders and i whispered, "im sorry.."

After thay i turned to Ronnie and i hugged him, picking up the dagger, and then i pulled my board out of my bad, and i put the dagger in its place, and started to skate away.

I needed to clear my mind..

Especially now that i have a sharp metal object with me and my state of mind..

(1375   WORDS BABY. BE FROUD OF ME :D and this time im requesting a vote and a comment, both cant be Stacy OR her friend.  t(OHOt) cx okay love ya <3 )

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