2) Home?

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"Here you go, your clothes and make up are in there. If you need help just knock on the door, we'll be waiting outside." The lady smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, but I still don't know who you are." I replied nervously. She looked at me with teary eyes, but something seemed off about them.

"I'm your mother, and he is your father." She told me. I nodded and began pulling my clothes out of my bag. She had given me some black ripped skinny jeans, converse, a BVB tee and a red flannel shirt. I stared at the shirt, feeling somehow connected to the logo staring up at me, but I don't know why.

"We'll give you some privacy now." My mother told me, taking fathers hand and walking out the room. Sighing, I changed, then went into the bathroom to do my makeup, doing it the way it felt natural, with thick eye liner. I brushed my blue and black hair and stuck on the black beanie on top.

Taking a quick look around to see if mother and father had gone, I pulled the photos from under my pillows and stuffed them in my back pocket.

Shouldering my bag I walked out of my room, seeing mother and father waiting outside.

"Come on sweety." She smiled at me. I nodded and followed her to the reception where she signed me out and met the doctor who passed her my prescription.

"Has she got any pills at home?" The doctor asked her. Mother shook her head.

"We took them off her and didn't think she needed them anymore." She said ruefully. The doctor nodded, scribbling something down.

"We've given her anti depressants, as well as pills to help her anxiety, and here is an appointment and the number for a therapist for her to see." The doctor told mother.

"Of course, thank you so much." Mother smiled as she pulled me out the doors and towards her car.

Father opened and shut the door for me once I was in.

The drive was silent and I just stared out the window as the buildings blurred past.

"Skylar, we're home." Mother told me gently. I nodded and got out the car, following her across the car park to a block of apartments. Luckily there was an elevator, I don't think I could have taken them stairs.

Mother opened the door and lead me to my room.

The room didn't feel right, but it looked great. It had cream walls with posters on it, a single bed with blue and black covers, a desk, a vanity, a wardrobe, a TV and play station with games, CD's and DVD's.

"So, can I see my friends?" I asked.

"Your homeschooled baby, you don't have friends, we stopped you going to public school after your second attempt." She told me. I nodded and laid on my bed. She sighed and walked out.

I hopped off my bed and looked out the window. The buildings and streets just seemed too foreign for me. Maybe it is because I lost my memory?

I pulled the photos out of my pocket, looking at them. Tears formed in my eyes as I saw how happy they all were, what would they be like now?

My door opened and I shoved them back in my pocket.

"You ok sweet?" Father asked me.

"Oh um, yeah, just happy to be home." I replied, giving him a fake smile as I dried my eyes. He came over and hugged me. I hugged back awkwardly.

"Hey um, can I go for a walk please?" I asked nervously.

"Sorry Hun, remember your not aloud out without parental supervision? Especially after that stunt you just pulled." He replied curtly and walked out. I huffed and looked in the closet, lots of band merchandise.

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