3) Twins

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I woke up expecting to be wrapped up in warm sheets, but was met with the cold, hard ground. I groaned and pushed myself up.

The door clicked open and father stood in the doorway. I cowered away from him.

"Oh give over, I hope you learned your lesson?" He asked me sternly. My voice left me so I just nodded. He snorted.

"Your mother has breakfast ready then she's going to walk you to the park to meet your 'friends,' also your mother told me about Sykes." He said.

"W-what about him?" I asked shakily.

"Just you and him at the shop. You stay away from him. I don't trust him." He told me.

"P-please give him a chance!" I asked. He looked at me angrily and I backed away from him more.

"That boy is nothing but trouble, just look at his tattoos!" He screeched.

"Just because you have tattoos doesn't make you a bad person, it's just a story illustrated on your skin! Please father!" I begged him with tears in my eyes. He gave me a disgusted look before walking away without a word.

I pushed myself to feet and slowly made my way to the kitchen, where mother was cooking bacon.

"Good morning sweetheart." She smiled chirpily. I sat at the table across from father, who just gave me a filthy look.

"Here you go sweet, hurry up and eat that then you get yourself changed, I don't know why you slept in your clothes, you have pyjamas in your drawer." She told me, shaking her head. I was about to open my mouth to tell her about the room I was locked in but father kicked me under the table, making me shut up.

I quietly ate my breakfast, some part of me telling I shouldn't even be eating it at all. When I was done I pushed my plate away.

"Thank you mother, please may I go get dressed?" I asked her politely. She looked at me with a smile and nodded. I thanked her and got up from the table, rushing to my room. I shut my door and looked through my closet.

I pulled out a Bring Me The Horizon tee, black skinny jeans, the jacket I bought yesterday and my combat boots, throwing them all on.

I then brushed my hair, sticking my black beanie on the top and did my thick eyeliner. Staring at my face in the mirror, I wondered what had happened to it. It was lightly bruised, but there quite a few faded scars, but there was also a massive pink one above my eyebrow. Maybe it was fathers fault?

I shook the thoughts away for now and grabbed the concealer, using it to cover the bruise.

I grabbed my batman bag, throwing in my purse and iPod and a portable speaker I found in my room. Not much, but Whatever.

There was a light knock on my door and mother walked in.

"Ready sweetheart?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Come on then." She smiled, leading me out the door of the apartment and to the elevator.

We walked over the green and down the town.

"Here you go, it's only got mine and your father's number on it, and £10 credit, call us if you get lost or when you want to come home, ok?" She told me, handing me what looked like a brick phone. It was a Nokia.

"Thanks." I muttered, putting it in my pocket. The rest of the walk was silent until I spoke up.

"Mum, you do know I didn't mean to sleep in my clothes last night, right? I wasn't even in my room." I told her. She stopped and sighed.

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