11) Death

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I sat bolt upright, breathing heavily, making Jinxx fall on his ass in surprise. I looked around and noticed I was still on the MDE bus and Braden was still holding Zander.

"J-Jinxx? I remember! All of it! I remember Heaven, the day she died, the day my biological dad left, what happened with Seth, the day Evan left us, you taking us in. You actually cared." I spoke really fast, but saying the last part slowly, beginning to cry as I wrapped my arms around Jinxx.

"You remember?" He asked, clearly happy. I pulled back and nodded.

"I'm so, so sorry I left in the first place." I apologised, looking into his happy, tear filled blue eyes.

"It's fine, your back, that's all that matters." He smiled, hugging me again.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Pssh, a few hours." Johnnie replied. I looked over at Braden and Zander, noticing Zander had fallen asleep.

"Thank you Braden." I whispered.

"It's fine, everyone else tried to hold him but you were right, he screamed like a bastard." Braden laughed.

"Sounds like Zander." I chuckled, rocking him gently.

"Let's get you two back to the bus." Jinxx told me.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I smiled. I hugged them all goodbye then me and Jinxx walked to our bus.

Once we were there I put Zander in his crib with his siblings.

"night Jinxx." I smiled, hugging him then walking off the bus, trying to open the BMTH bus, but it was locked.

"Fuck." I muttered, beginning to bang on the door.

"Oli! Nate! Open the mother fucking door!" I shouted. A sleepy looking Nate opened the door.

"Jeez, I'm surprised you didn't wake the whole bloody bus." He laughed.

"I'm surprised your asleep, I'm pretty sure your never asleep until 2 in the morning." I laughed back as I walked on the bus.

"Well it's already four in the morning thanks." He told me.

"Wait, what?" I asked, surprised. I looked at the clock to see he was right.

"I didn't know I was out for that long." I muttered.

"You what?" Nate yawned.

"Oh, I passed out on the MDE bus." I replied.

"Crap, you weren't holding Zander, were you?" He asked.

"No, I literally just gave him to Braden to hold then I was just passed out. But, I have good news." I said, more happily towards the end.

"Oh really? What's that?" He replied, a slight smirk on his face. I walked closer to him, so our faces were centimetres away from each other.

"I remember, everything." I whispered, closing the gap between us. I could feel the happiness behind his kiss as he smiled, pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss.

"Even when you didn't, I still loved you, if not more." He smiled when we pulled back to catch our breath.

"And I love you Nathan." I smiled, kissing his cheek as I grabbed my pyjamas from under my bed, going into the bathroom to change. When I was changed I put my dirty clothes away and crawled into my bed, putting my phone on charge. I hugged teddy as I crawled under the covers, jumping as I felt a pair of arms snake around my wait, relaxing when I saw it was Nate.

"Don't scare me like that." I laughed.

"Sorry princess." He laughed. I smiled, cuddling into him. As soon as my eyes closed I was out like a light.

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