5) Remembering Sunday

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I looked up at the clock on the plain wall to see it was eight in the morning.

I pushed myself into a sitting position, groaning at the pain in my head. I looked at my right knuckles to see them covered in blood and cuts. My left hand wasn't so bad, that hand I could move easily, but not this one.

I looked around the walls to see quite a few holes. Welp, I'm in trouble now for sure.

Father came into the room with a disgusted look on his face. He threw me a sandwich and a bottle of water and slammed the door shut behind him. I then heard the front door slam shut too, meaning he's gone to work. I grabbed the bottle of water and downed half of it quickly.

The door unlocked and opened and I backed myself up into the corner.

"Oh my, what happened in here?" Mum asked, looking around with a shocked expression.

"I-I got angry and started punching the walls. I'm sorry!" I began to cry. Mum came over and hugged me.

"It's ok, come on, let's get out of here." She smiled gently, offering her hand. I took it gratefully and she helped me up, gasping when she saw how bloody my hand was.

"Come on, we're taking you to the doctors." She said, walking out the room.

She grabbed her keys and purse and walked out the door with me in tow.

The drive there was silent, except for the radio. They were doing an interview with some man.

"How are you today, Jinxx?" The interviewer asked. Jinxx, why does that name seem familiar?

"Been better." Jinxx replied glumly.

"Still no news of your missing daughter?"

"No. But her whole families missing her, especially her kids." Jinxx replied.

"Fifteen year old Skylar Winters is still missing, if-" mum turned the radio off.

"Who would have a child at fifteen?" I muttered.

"Actually, that Skylar girl has three, triplets." Mum replied, pulling into the doctors. We got out and mum went up to main reception, asking to see Dr Kana.

"He'll be right with you, please take a seat." The receptionist smiled. I stared at my knuckles and tried to rub off some of the dried blood.

"Mrs Carlile?" A doctor called. Mum stood, tugging my sleeve a bit to make me follow.

"Ok, what can I do for you?" Dr Kana smiled warmly.

"Just wondering if you could look at my daughter Skylar's hand, I found her in the spare room this morning and her knuckles were bleeding." Mum replied. He nodded.

"Show me your knuckles please?" He asked, moving his chair so he was in front of me.

I held out my right knuckle for him to see.

"Ouch, how did this happen?" He asked, grabbing something and cleaning all the blood off.

"I punched a load of halls in the wall." I muttered in response.

"And why did you do that?" He asked.

"Because I was pissed off." I replied with a slight 'duh' tone.

"Because...?" He asked as he wrapped a bandage around my hand.

"Because that doesn't matter to you." I muttered. He sighed.

"If you don't tell me, I can't help you." He told me sincerely.

"Well, unless you have my memories stored in a jar, no you can't help me, thank you." I replied sarcastically, pulling my hand away when he was done. Mum sighed next to me.

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