6) Planning

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Pushing an earbud into my ear, I blasted Black Veil Brides from my iPod. My photo's were tucked safely in my pocket as I walked to the park to meet Oli.

As I was walking through the town, I saw him come out of his shop. He looked at me and smiled, jogging over and hugging me.

"Hey love, you alright?" He asked, I nodded.

"I need to talk to you about something." I told him.

"What's up?" He replied, frowning slightly. I looked around.

"I'll tell you at the park." I replied, Oli nodded as we walked to the park.

"You want a monster?" Oli asked, I nodded as we walked into a small newsagents, I was about to grab my money when Oli stopped me.

"I'll pay." He smiled, paying the cashier and handing me the drink.

"I can pay." I laughed.

"It's a pound twenty, I'm sure I can, besides, you look like you didn't sleep much again last night." He replied.

"No, I didn't, bloody dreams again." I whispered.

"Bad ones this time then?" He asked, and I nodded, him knowing not to press any further. We got to the park and walked across the green, so we were right at the end of the field, that way we couldn't be overheard.

"Ok, now tell me what's up." Oli said gently as we sat down. I sighed, pulling out the pictures.

"I didn't know who else to go to, I couldn't tell mum and dad, they would go up the wall, you know how scarily sensitive they are of my past. But this, these are the photos I was said to have had on me when I tried to kill myself according to the doctors when I first left the hospital, but I want help finding everyone in the photos, maybe their all key to unlocking my past and memories." I replied, showing him the first photo. He gasped.

"I've seen this photo before! Riley, that boy there, showed me! I saw him when I was in America! He was with Black Veil Brides, and he was telling me about his missing sister, and he said he always carries that photo, and told me who was who, who's gone and all that!" Oli said excitedly.

"You know?" I asked him, slightly surprised and shocked. He nodded.

"That there is Riley, in September, you three found out you had a triplet, Scarlett, and you were separated at birth, and the three of you were adopted by Jinxx, that's Heaven, she died three years ago by suicide, your mum died nearly a year ago, two weeks after giving birth to twins, with that man, Evan, but Evan took them to New York and left the rest of you in care, your real dad left when you were ten, nearly six years ago, that's Alex and Felicity, your youngest brother and sister, and that's Ethan, Heaven's twin, your oldest brother, the one who still lives in Ohio." Oli told me. I heard a long beeping sound, like a heart monitor, and saw my mother on a hospital bed. The day she died.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I told him about the memory.

"I can help bring you back to your family." Oli smiled. I frowned at him.

"You have a passport?" He asked, I nodded.

"Make sure you have your passport, pack your bags for next Friday, I'll be waiting in the alley next to your flat complex, climb out your fire escape and meet me outside at midnight." He told me. I frowned.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm going to take you with me to Warped Tour so you can get back to your family, technically we leave Sunday morning, but better safe than never." Oli smiled. I squealed and hugged him, making him fall back in surprise.

"Your welcome." He laughed after I pulled back.

"But you definitely cannot tell your folks, you know they won't let you go." He told me, and I nodded.

"Let's get some lunch then before I have to take you home then." Oli chuckled, standing up and holding his hand out for me, which I gratefully took as he helped me up.

I linked arms with Oli and we walked back into town, going into the local chippy and getting a large chips to share, eating at the park.


"Here, take this, only message me when your sure your folks are asleep. It's an old phone of mine, the sound doesn't work, I know that for sure, but keep it on silent, ok?" He told me hurriedly, handing me a beat up looking old LG. I nodded.

"Thanks." I smiled, putting it in a pocket in my bag. I hugged him and we walked to the top of the apartment block.

"I'll see you soon." He smiled, hugging me then walking off. I chuckled and opened the door, walking in and going straight to my room.

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