9) First Day Of Warped

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I stretched and looked at the time on my phone, 4:02AM, motherfucker!

I groaned as I pulled my earbuds out, and placed the teddy I appeared to cuddling at the end of the bed, along with the other stuff. Silently, I grabbed some clean clothes and my make up, and changed in the bathroom, putting on a Bring Me The Horizon tee, my white ripped skinny jeans, a red flannel shirt, combat boots and a black beanie. I brushed my hair and my teeth, putting a beanie on and doing some smokey eye makeup, leaving the fading cuts on my face to breathe a little bit.

I put my stuff back and then crawled back into my bunk. I turned the bunk light on, which I only just realised was there. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and looking at the 36 messages I appeared to have. The first 10 was from a bunch of people just saying hi, but they were a while ago. But the most messages where from a girl named Leyla, she kept saying sorry and asking me to forgive her, saying she didn't mean to do what she did, she was jut angry and upset.

What happened?

I decided against replying to everyone, and just looked through all the photos of my kids and Nate until my curtain was pulled open.

"You know Oli, you should really learn to knock or announce your presence, I could have been naked." I laughed.

"But you weren't, and you love me, now get up." He laughed, walking off. I shook my head and chuckled at him. I followed him into the kitchen area thing where my siblings and Nathan were already sat.

"Today we are going to be taking you to see the performances, your dad's performing today, I perform tomorrow, I dunno who else is performing, but it should be fun." Oli smiled, handing me a cup of coffee. I nodded, staring at the mug.

"You ok?" Riley asked me. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Who's Leyla?" I asked, knowing sort of, but wanting to ask them.

"A fucking bitch, why?" Scarlett replied quickly.

"I had messages on my phone from her apologising." I replied with a shrug.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to grab it." I said, standing up.

"You say it like I'm going to hurt you, but I'm not." I told her gently. I heard shuffling, then the door opened, revealing a puffy-eyed Leyla.

"Oh Leyla, I never meant to make you upset." I muttered. She rolled her eyes and strode to the mirror where she began to redo her makeup.

"I'm sorry." I apologised, zipping my bag up and slinging it over my shoulder. Before I could process what was happening she had me up against the wall by the collar of my shirt. I swallowed uneasily.

"P-please just put me down." I asked her shakily, trying to be calm.

"Oh, ok." She smirked, and she literally threw me to the floor, making me groan in pain. She placed her foot on my stomach, hard, making me groan more.

"Aw, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" She cooed, an evil smirk on her face. I nodded slightly which made her laugh. She removed her foot but began kicking me in the stomach, side, back, Wherever she could get. She leant down and pulled me back up by the collar of my shirt, making me whimper in pain. She smirked and began to punch my face, absolutely no mercy whatsoever.

"Now just go, I don't to want to ever see you around here again, hear me?" She seethed in my ear. I nodded weakly and she threw me harshly to the ground again. She went to walk out the door, but not before turning and spitting on me.

I hadn't realised I had collapsed to the floor until I was being shaken by Oli and Nate.

"Skylar?" They both called frantically. My eyes shot open and I shook slightly.

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