Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

James Point of View

"Haha we should really stop meeting like this sweetheart."

First off WHO THE FUCK IS THIS PRICK.Gemma never told me she had a boyfriend.

The Prick stretched out his head for Gemma to grab which she did as he pulled her up he put his hand on the small of her back.If he moved his hand down an inch it would be on her ass.

I don't even like him already.

Who is this guy.By the looks of them you'd probably guess they were a couple but I never even heard of him and he's calling my sister SWEETHEART. Yea that shit don't fly by me.

"Um t-thanks."she replied like she was distracted by something.

No No No NO.She's only 17 she's not ready for a boyfriend. All boys do is take time away from her studying and social time. And I'm not ready to be an uncle.

"No problem Babes."The Prick said with a smirk on his face.

No NO HELL NO! Time for me to come into this mess.

"Um Excuse me who are you?" I asked with venom clearly in my voice.

"Budda calm down it's our friend."

Psh Please friend its like these girls forget that I was a player. Yea I'm not proud of it but I know all the signs of a player and this guy has it clearly written across his forehead.

"Psh Yea friend Who is this Gemma Huh? Some Guy tyring to get into your pants Eh?" I replied coldly.I know he wouldn't be able to resist Gemma I mean who can't.She's one gorgeous girl with a beautiful personality.I don't want any boy messing that up.

I can't stand players anymore and this guy is clearly one I bet he already tried to get with Reddie.

"JAMES! Calm down why are you being so rude."Gemma said as she walked away from the Prick and coming closer to looking me dead in the eyes.I could tell she really liked this Prick.

Whoa..Yea this is becoming more cliche minute by minute.

"Hey I'm Kaden nice to meet you cool accent by the way."The prick said as he stretched out his hand for me to shake.

I stared at his hands then looked up at his face.The prick looked truely scared about my reaction.

Well two can play at this game.

"Where the hell have your hands been Player?"

The Prick flinched slightly at the word player but quickly covered it up for no one could see.Hm but thank goodness for my fantastic eye sight I saw every move.

"Oh not like the word Player Hm?" He looked familiar some way.

"Budda come on lets just go."

"Yea just leave James I don't know whats gotten into you." Ouch that hurt Gemma only called me James when she was either Mad at me or Mad at me and well she's clearly mad.

He looked so fucking familiar that shit was unreal! Who is this kid I need to know everything about him.See if he good enough for my Aussie. Of course it's not like I'm going to stalk him until he gives up on trying to hit on Gemma. Maybe.

"Hey look I'm sorry Lets just start fresh Whats up I'm James." I said smiling. If I could keep this up I could see right through his little act yup perfect plan I'm just to smart for my own good.

"Errmh I'm Kaden."He The Prick replied actually holding his hand out for me to shake.

Wow this guy has some balls

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