Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


One Month Later

Kantas's Point of View

It's been a whole month since I've seen Gemma, Kaden, Gregg and Rachel.It's like they disappeared off the surface of the earth.Well not entirely,Gemma has been on facebook and instagram alt.I love seeing her face she looks happy.She better be.She also went public with her relationship with Kaden.Pictures of them kissing,Holding hands,Looking into each others eyes and selfies.I can't help but to think that could be me and her.Well it could of been.

My plan is very well failing.Evan was suppose to bring Rachel but he just had to be stupid and fucking rape the girl so she was scared of him and went to Gregg.I was suppose to make Gemma fall for me but no Kaden just had to come into the picture right?

Now since Evan is dead I honestly don't need Rachel even though she is very beautiful.I only want Gemma.Your probably saying 'Well why do you want them?'.

Why?Well I don't want them I need them.Those girls are my rock and I want them so bad it's killing me.I want them for well my personal use.Now that Rachel has Gregg I only want Gemma.

I could never land a girl like Gemma and that's why I need her.Confused?Yeah I thought.I want Gemma to be mine and only mine.I want her body,soul her heart everything of her I want.

But her stupid brother James is standing in my way.It can't happen if he won't leave her alone.He was gone for 2 years why don't I make him gone forever.

But I couldn't do that to her.She grieve and I want her to be happy.I want her I need her.She deserves someone like me not him.Does she even know what he does?What about Rachel?I bet not.But someone can tell them.That could be me.Perfect.


Aiden came bursting through the doors."Yeah boss what's up?"

I turn to face him."What did you get on James?"

He walks over and sits down on the sofa."Well he basically letting you win but he's going to try and find your hideout and destroy it then try to get you."

I laughed so hard.I clutch my stomach in pain for the laughter pouring out of me."Haha he can't even if he tried."

Aiden looks down and back up."If I help you get Gemma can I get my girls back?"

His girls for my girl?Hm it could work.

"Yeah sure".

He jumps out in excitement."Really?OH GOD THANK YOU How is Laiala? is she okay.What about my baby hows Joise?"

Urgh all of these questions are giving me a headache.He doesn't know that his baby died a long while ago.His girl is on the brink of death.Give it another week and she'll be dead.

"AIDEN PLEASE MY HEAD!.Get me Gemma by Friday and your girls are yours"

He stands up straighter.."Yes boss I can do that."

I go over and held out my hand."Deal"

Aiden looks down at my hand and places his firm hand into my mine.


Rachel's Point of View


I got off the sofa in a rush and run into the kitchen.I look and see Gregg trying to season in the chicken.

I laugh and walk over to him."What's wrong baby?"

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