Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Gregg's Point of View

It's been a week since the death of Gemma and James parents.The funeral  was very hard for Gemma and Rachel.All through the way James kept saying.'For you Mama,Papa'.

It's pretty sad that Mami Mia passed.She was a very funny outgoing lady that once you met her you couldn't get enough of her.Gemma,Rachel and James each were apart of the will that Mami Mia left for the three of them.

Each of them have to spilt the money equally and and James gets the house.James hasn't told the girls what he does and it's pretty frustrating.I think they deserve to know why Kantas wanted to kill their parents.Hell even I should know,but I'm pretty sure why.

Wait,Did he blow up the trap house and kill Gemma's parents cause he wants Gemma?That's some crazy shit.I need to talk to James.Oh! James moved in with us.He doesn't want to stay at the house in case Kantas has something up his sleeve.

I walk over to the den and see James and Gemma cuddled up together.Damn this must affect Kaden but not really I mean their parents just died they're freaking mourning.

I walk over and tap on James shoulder.He snaps his head towards me his eyes bloodshot.It's sad too see him in such an vulnerable state.

"Yeah Gregg what's up?" His voice hoarse.

I give a sad smile and look over at Gemma.She was fast asleep in James arms.Rachel had fallen asleep a while back.

"I think we should you know talk about. . .  Kantas."

James body mentally froze when hearing Kantas name.

He sighs and picks up Gemma bringing her to her and Kadens room.He closes the door and walks over to the kitchen.

Kaden was sitting down at the table just staring blankly into space.

James sighs before he starts." I honestly don't know what to do.I just need the girls safe ya know?"

Kaden look at James and rubs his hand together.I lean onto the counter still not understanding.

I hold my hand in the air." Wa-wait So we're just going to stay here and not do anything at all while he's probably planning something?"

James sighs and nods his head. "Like we can man, all we can do is leave and pray that we get there safely."

Kaden and I both sigh.

"Wait where are we going?"

James starches his hands letting out and a grunt.

"Well!" Kaden pressed on.

"Well back to Texas."

Kantas's Point of View

There she was right in the eye of danger.She looked beautiful even if she just in sweats with no make up.God I need her.

I park my car and get out making sure not to draw any attention to me.I clutch the gun in my left hand.I have to be careful even if she's walking with Rachel and no one else.

I was about three steps behind them. The road was gravel so I had to be even more careful.

I take one step, My foot presses to hard on the gravel.Rachel and Gemma whips their heads back so quick honestly they could of broke their necks.

I smirk and pull out my gun. Gemma's face turns into completely white, all the color drained from her beautiful face.

Rachel turns into protective mode and pulls Gemma right behind her.

I sigh and look towards my gun, playing with it in my hand. "Babe just giv-"


I sigh again she's really not making this easier.

Running towards her I quickly put her in a headlock making her faint from the air she's not receiving.

Gemma takes this as a cue to run. Not today baby not today.

 Easily catching up to her I grabbed her wrist and place my hand over her mouth to keep her silent.

Pressing her more into my body loving the feeling of her nice curves on me.I placed my mouth right next to her ear licking her lobe slowly. "Baby I missed you." I grind onto her making me moan."God I fucking missed you. Let's go home baby."

She screams into my hand struggling to get free."Now baby just relax save that screaming for later."

She bites down on my hand making me wince."Shouldn't done that babe."

Grabbing her waist pulling her even more into me I placed her wrist behind her roughly. Throwing her over my shoulder in that same position I walk back to my car place Gemma in the passenger seat putting on the child lock. I slam the door and walk over to my side of the car.

"Now that I have you. . . I won't lose you. . .Ever."

 Rachel's Point of View

No No No this couldn't be happening how could I let him get her.

As soon as I caught my breath he already had her in the car driving away. I could see her scared face looking back at me.I froze I couldn't even save her if I wanted he was driving to fast.

Another sob exits my mouth. "Gems. . ."

I quickly got off the ground and run towards the house.Bursting open the door getting the guys attention.

Gregg and James comes to me first. Gregg notice my tear stained face.Grabbing my forearms slightly lifting me up. "OH MY GOD RACHEL ARE YOU OKAY BABY WHA-"

"Wait. . ." Kaden comes out from the kitchen searching the front door.

James falls to his knees." No god please no." He drops his head onto the floor slamming his fists.

Kaden looks at me with watery eyes. "Rachel Please tell me Gemma's with you. . . "

I let out another sob hugging Gregg tightly.


I've never seen Kaden broke down before not even at Mami Mia's funeral.

He collapsed onto the floor pulling at his hair."No Rachel no just FUCKING NO! SHE'S MY GIRL IT NO MAN NO!"

"He hurt you baby?"

I nodded yes and look down in shame.


Author's Note

Hey! It's been what like almost 2 months HOLY SHEET I'm horrible!

Lmaoo Short chapter because well I've lost le laptop.... I would've update sooner but hey shit happens.

Tell me if any errors...Oh BTW TBS Is ending very soon maybe like 3 more chapters.

Hope ya like it it's really bad but HEY! You fucking read it.

Since ya read..

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