Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

James's Point of View

(While the Girls were out)

I needed the girls out of the house for a while I had to attend to some business and I don't need the girls knowing about it.

The girls don't know what I do actually nobody does everyone knows I was in the army but that's all they know.In reality I was actually dealing drugs in Mexico but in the army at the same time.Its confusing to some people but that perfect I need people to be confused.Right now our biggest problem has been solved by me which was our rival Lin.But that problem is solved our new big problem is a new gang called 'OurN2' which just consists of high school dropouts who don't even know how to use a gun properly.But OurN2 is still a threat because there taking all of our mains.Our mains are our streets this OurN2 is selling there crap on our turf.That shit doesn't fly by me.

I decided to hit up Aiden to get more information on them for it could be easier to take them down.


"Boss hey whats up"

"I'm coming over now so get ready for work"

"How much work"

I thought about it it seems like a lot but isn't."Seems like a lot but isn't"

"Alright then how far are you?"

"Give me about 20 mins"

"Alright see you then"

"Good Bye"

I hung up the phone and went upstairs to change.I changed into a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt.I went back downstairs grabbed my keys and headed out of the house.I made sure the door was locked and walked over to my car.I got in and started heading to the Trap House.

When I made it there the only car that was here was Aidens and Lana's.

I parked and got out of the car and into the house.

"Hey James whats up"Aiden said getting up from his seat and giving me a 'Bro hug'

"Nothing just killing time"


"Hey whats Lana's car doing in the driveway?"

"Ohh she went home with Kaden and Gregg"

I was shocked now Gregg was in it?Aiden must of saw my face and quickly said "No No not like that Gregg was actually talking to some girl over the phone he seemed pretty happy.He got upset when Lana came to him saying she wanted to leave so that's when they left."

Ohh.He must of been talking to Reddie.That's fantastic Reddie has her self a good man to take care of her when I cant.

"Oh well then she can come and get it later."

"Haha Yea or we might just tow it"

We both laughed" Yea thath'd would be a pretty funny sight to see"

"Yea it would now lets get down to business"

"Alright"We both headed deeper into the house until we stopped in the middle of the hallway.Aiden bend down and opened a door and went straight down.I copied his actions and landed on my feet.

This area is a place for only the Boss which is me and my assistants which is Aiden,Connor and Kieth.They were already hear sitting waiting for my orders.I walked over to my pin board and tap on it to bring it back to life.Once it was on I started writing the name of our prime subject.

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